real housesluts is an evil, immoral, US culturally imperialist show and I am getting it banned worldwide

Real Housewives is not something that any country outside the US should have. It is a tragedy on par with a typhoon or terrorist attack for that globalist filth US cultural imperialist US supremacist NBC to force the trash filthy disgusting piece of shit show Real Housewives to other countries . Real housewives shows destroy the cultures of countries they are in. By airing Real Housewives in other countries people in those countries will die years sooner than if that trash white karen whore show never aired in their countries.

I am going to force NBC universal to cancel Real Housewives of Bangkok forever and not air any episode ever

I will get the most extreme extremists I can find in Thailand to use extreme methods to get the real housewives cancelled before it airs or before its first season of whining manboy hookers desecrating Thailand on screen ends. I am going to hack into Thailand's television and internet signals and prevent real housewives whitened karens of BangCOCK from airing in Thailand forever

People in Thailand and non American countries are being infected with American junk garbage tv like Real Housewives, and that is a plague on them and their culture. I won't allow this

I refuse to have Thailand infected with that rich white karen trashy, evil ,degrading show. Thailand has had their culture genocided by the US for far too long and I will not allow that to conitnue. I am going to get 

Real Housewives is garbage tv and is a reflection of the armpit and sewer of American culture. It makes me homicidal angry to see that miserable show in other countries, especially countries they have no business being in like in Asia, Africa, Central/Eastern Europe. Those countries should pay for having that pathetic show into their countries. They are literally being brainwashed to import rich white karen slut US culture found on Real housewives into their pathetic savage countries .

I am going to make the people of any country in Asia, Europe, Africa, South America who had their own version of that white karen rich bitch slutfest degrading immoral show pay dearly for allowing that show into their countries. I am going to bribe and blackmail the police in those countries to jail anyone in those countries hwo watched real housewives and I am going to destroy NBC globalist 

Seeing Real Housesluts, MTV shore, Yum brands, Nikes, holidays in countries those countries don't belong in has gotten to a point where I am declaring war on those countries , US corporations, globalization, globalism and consumerism. I am going to create the biggest anti cultural imperialism, anti globalization movement ever to deAmericanize countries around the world. It starts with me forcing countries to kick out the Yum brand fast food, McDonalds, Nike, Meta, out of their countries, work in progress

I can live with (but still not support) like 10 or 30 US fast food restaurants in other countries, but anything more I go nuts.

I am going to Africa and I will use extreme ANTIFA like direct action to force them

This cunt below should be thrown in the Hague for what she wrote below

Major U.S. companies have already made the jump to Africa with regional or continent-wide headquarters in Kenya, many previously mentioned. (i.e PREDATORS who are going to bring back the US/Western colonializing of Africa via corporate cultural colonialism by praying on weak people to shove their trash down their throats to whiten I mean to Americanize Africa)

– Major multinationals have regional offices in Kenya, including powerhouses like LG, Toyota, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Standard Chartered, and Old Mutual.  (this fool is celebrating corporate greed, transnational monopoly corporatism , Valley girl US consumerism and it is pathetic. But at least some of those corps aren't American

– The medical ecosystem in Kenya keeps expanding with Hologic, GE, Cigna, Pfizer (big pharma), Abbott, and Varian Medical Systems already here.    Medical imperialism, see this post by me for a taste of my views on western medical imperialism

– And there are more exciting developments happening every day.  American sports associations like the NBA, the NFL, MLB, MLS, and entertainment icon, The Grammys, are all currently looking for a foothold in Kenya.  This is stupid to force NFL, MLB onto

This idiot colonizer imperialist should not celebrate the cultural hegemony of the US in Africa and other places. She is celebrating the US forcing the NFL, MLB and MLS into Kenya against peoples wills. She is celebrating her culture in Kenya being further destroyed by Western imperialism, now in the form of US imperialism. This Kenya ambassador is a piece of trash and she should be fired and thrown in the Hague for crimes against humanity for promoting the cultural genocide of her country by monopolist, consumerist, imperialist, culturally colonizing , US corporation-media industrial complex

NFL and MLB will lose their luster being globalized. Why can't America have anything unique? Why does America have to force our leisure, culture in places it doesn't belong? Why come to the US when people in other countries are in carbon cutout versions of the US? Pathetic. It is wrong to force NFL and MLB onto other countries and I won't allow it. You cannot and should not force people to like something. That this Kenyan ambASSador celebrates this is almost as bad as Palestinians celebrating Hamas murdering innocent Israelis on Oct 7 2023, if not worse

MLS should not exist outside the US. European soccer leagues and South American soccer leagues should promote their sports in Kenya not the MLS. The last thing Kenya needs is an Americanized version of soccer.  I am going to Kenya to force the youth in every town there to ignore the MLS forever and I will use aggressive tactics to do this. That Kenya would throw away what culture they had left to whore for American trash like MLS, NFL, MLB, Real Housecunts makes me want to create a color revolution in Kenya by me riling up the extrmiests in that country to coup the Kenyan government and to deAmericanize their country. I cannot believe that Kenya is basically Liberia East. Kenya was least bad being colonialized by the UK.


– The television and movie industries are discovering Kenya – just look at the fact that Kenya now has a Real Housewives of Nairobi!   Reading this quote makes me want to go to Kenya and storm the offices of whoever in that country allowed that show to air. I am going to use hacking to block tv and internet signals so that shitty evil show never airs in Kenya anymore. I am going to force Kenya to never air any show I don't want them to for 10 years to make up for airing that slut white karen US trash show

(this Amabassador is a piece of shit. Real housewives is a trash garbage white karen rich bitch show that comes from the worst impulses of US society. That show will destroy Kenya and make them indistinguisble from the US. She supports her country allowing that toxic virus show in is just as bad as if she celebrated the Ebola virus entering Kenya. She is proud that Kenya is being Americanized with American junk and garbage that will further erode and destroy Kenya's unique history and culture and make Kenyan youth grow up to be pathetic, entitled, elitist, whining pieces of filth (due to Real Whorewives being in their country)


Stay tuned as President Ruto has more exciting announcements to make tomorrow.

Thais only like Americans and American culture and to a lesser extent Westerners and Western culture. You see Thai people worship whites as can be seen as their embrace of American cultural imperialism in their country. Thai people wish they can be white so they whiten themselves by being slaves to US culture. It is that simple. I would say over 90 percent of Thai residents are anti black . Thailand is basically like the US’s 54th state. The US culturally genocided Thailand to the point where Thailand golden statues and monks are just props to hide the fact Thailand is an American oversees colony. 

I dislike Thai people and their country more than anyone on Earth does. I am Anti Thai. Let me dispel this myth. Thai people are all zombies to US culture there is nothing unique about those gloriifed Americans . Thailand allowed US cultural imperialism from corporate colonizers to culturally genocide Thailand to the point where Bangkok in particular is like NYC of the SE Asia. Thai people make me sick. they use their historic monuments and sites as props . McDonald arches rule thailand not Buddha. Thailanders are Americans as Apple Pie


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