Certain holidays are evil, and part of a consumerist globalist plan to make us all slaves like in George Orwell's 1984 (anyone who disagrees should be thrown in prison)

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_rock#Characteristics_and_academic_response alter globalization   anti consumerism, anti capitalism, anti American culture and corps into most countries in exchange for a world as free as the US

Don't normalize public helladays like SPD or talk about them and they will go away and be seen as the insignificant niche trash meaningless fake holidays they are

Holidays like St Fatricks Day should be fully ignored or at least/especially in ALL countries outside of the US (and within the US ignored outside the Northeast and Chicagoland), Ireland and Canada since every country except for the US, Ireland and Canada have no business celebrating that holiday 

If you call yourself an 'atheist' or 'agnostic' but celebrate all of these holidays: Christmas, Valentines Day, St Patricks Day, Easter (even if just the non religious, Easter bunny and egg form) you are a Christian.  Sorry but all of those holidays have roots in Christianity and if you celebrate all of them but call yourself an 'atheist' or 'agnostic' you are a Christian in denial. If you disagree I will find out where you are and get you fired, and your children thrown out of school or college. checkmate bro /sis

All holidays except for Christmas, New Years (lightly celebrated New Years only), Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July,Thankgiving, Juneteenth, are extremist consumerist and evil. Greedy fascist corporations make people slaves and cultists

Public Holidays on top of Federal holidays are a yearly moral collectivist, group think Monocultural consumerist cult fest where the multi national corporate fascists, neoliberal-neocon consumerist capitalist, globalists try to force all people in all places they can to do what they want (celebrate every holiday) . 

For this post, I am focusing on the worst of this concepts: holidays like Helloween, St Fatricks Day, Valenswines Day. 

Not a need, consumerism wrongly and falsely uses disinfo to make people think they need their junk when in fact not only don't they need their junk but consumerism is in fact bad for them

The WWW/internet and especially social media aren't created to bring freedom to the countries that don't have it and to give people in so called undemocratic countries a voice . No the WWW/Internet is a tool by the multi national , greedy neoliberal, consumerist corporate fascist pigs + the Liberal 2.0 governments to spread neoliberalism, liberalism, consumerism, Americanization/Westernization, Conformity,  to other countries .  

White man's burden

internet and www are a tool of globalism, neoliberalism, liberalism, bans on Beatles in USSR was done to counter neoliberal cultural imperialism by corporations from the West (soft power)

nothing more pathetic than people in the Philippines in a mall , worshipping a freaking drag queen mimicking a talentless, extrmeely overrated to the point of hysterical madness overrated, blonde hair blue eye AMERICAN singer in 2023

Nothing more pathetic than Halloween parties in Malasyia and even more so with freaking drag queens. I am glad Malaysian police arrested those fools

at minimum like Murray Rothbard anti monopolistic capitalism

anti milit ind complex  Ike E 

libs matter of fact absolutist no nuance or context opions

consume holiday 

far left party pollack wrongly fire mom talker 

who the gov and corps tell us to decide on

 - - - 





RADICAL MOVEMENT.”   (see here for more on that intro to this section)

Whenever there is a movement to stand up to the establishment, neoliberalism, neocon inc, capitalism, Israeli abuse of Palestinians, consumerism, the indifference by the establishment to helping asylum seekers when they come here so they don't overwhelm our cities and towns like the have been which depletes resources to people already   the elite globalist, neoliberal bourgeois rats always falsely and wrongly link it to 'anti semetism' in order to disparage said resistance movement in order to shut down and protect the elitist, globalist, neoliberal, corporate fascist, world order.  Well we are not going to take it anymore. 

We've even see this with how the elite globalist neoliberal bourgeois rats shut down and weakened the BLM movement over the BLM's criticism of Israel .

The sad thing is the only thing that does stand up to the globalist neoliberal bourgeois, globalist establishment and force the establishment to change is wokeness and while that is a gut punch, at least we can use wokeness as a guide map on how to force the establishment to change without being called Naughtizes.  

Of course, with the College campuses via woke tools such as DEI finally doing some good in the world by bringing awareness of decades of Islamaphobia, xenophobia and abuses by the Israelis toward Palestinians 

So now, the globalist neoliberal bourgeois, globalist establishment has even linked wokeness/DEI to anti semetism' due to wokeness/DEI going against the the globalist neoliberal bourgeois, globalist establishment playbook.   So the one thing that did stand up to this the globalist neoliberal bourgeois, globalist establishment machine and force it to change is now also falsely and wrongly smeared by these Zionist fascists as anti semetic'.   

As an aside, I do support liberal Jews and neo cucks (Zionist, Non Zionist and Post Zionist alike) turning against radlib wokeness (as they have done since Hamas's attack on Israel)  as long as they turn against wokeness on non Jewish and non Israel-Palestine related issues and say anti woke crusaders like Chris Rufo and Greg Gutfeld were correct about the wokies. 

The only wokeness that is even remotely anti semetic is wokeness not related to Jewish or Israel-Palestine issues (a Stop Anti Semetism tweet in 2022 or 2023 proved this until the bourgeois liberal 2.0 woke hacks censored this truth by forcing them to delete the tweet)

I am fine with liberal Jews  and neo cucks smearing such wokeness as anti semetic.  However, wokeness that rightfully criticizes Israel for their abuses and human rights violations and dehumanization of Palestinians is not anti semetic in the slightest.  (Palestinians are semetic also btw)

Notice that nearly all revolutionary leftists and anti establishment activists have gotten faslely and wrongly smeared as 'anti semetic' for dare having the audacity to challenge a bourgeois oppressive system that has been oppressing the masses for too long?  

Some of these leftists wrongly and falsely smeared as anti semetic by such neoliberal globalizationist bourgeois swamp cats are: Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin (the guy who fought the Nazis before the US joined WWII for their own benefit [i.e saviorism] and who liberated the world from Nazism, the guy who executed anti semeites, the guy who even helped Israel get established and was a helpful ally of the first few years as a nation, that guy),  PJ Proudhon (for him they have a point but they go too far with him, for his time he was nowhere the worst on that view),Frederich Nietzsche, AOC (glad she turned down the visit to the Jewish guilt prop H-caust museum, there was zero reason to shame her into going since AOC has never done or said anything remotely anti semetic, all she does is rightfully criticism the Israeli abuses and extreme Zionism of the Israeli neoliberal apparatus),

Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn (Jewish voice for Labour luckily proved such 'anti semetism' charges against Labour were misinfo or even blatant lies), RFK Jr, Dr Cornel West, Nina Turner, Martin Heigeder, Barack Obama (he was slightly post establishment so I guess he barely makes this list), Albert Einstein, George Sorels (founder of Sorelism in the early 20th century), Oswald Spangler, Christopher Hitchens (forgive his Arabphobic, racist, Neocon hard on for the Iraq War which is one of the very few deep statish neoliberal globalist views he had; Hitchens was misled on Iraq like we all are, I mean even ME and Glenn Greenwald supported that war early on), 

I have never seen a group of people so high strung that they link anything that goes against Israel and the supposedly secular and of all stripes neoliberal, establishment, bourgeois, globalist to anti semetism'.  But of course, Muslims, Christians, Right Wing Jews, migrants, blackness etc never get the priveledge of having such an ace up their sleeve as the Jews do with their smear campaigns as mentioned above

If anti semetism' is everywhere it is no where. Jonathan Greenblatt and his ADL are a political machine for the above bourgeois, neoliberal globalist establishment who also are a lobby group and get things in return from the government for said help . 

It is a sick twisted system we need to smash.  We've seen how ugly and disgusting this is with the Orwellian McCarthyism in Hollywood with these Neoliberal, Neo Zionist, bourgeois, Globalist fascists fire anyone critical of Israel's ongoing abuses of Palestinians and Israel's genocide of Palestinians.  

It is bad enough that these censorship machine by these establishment lunatics have been at all time highs in the last 10 years when populists have rightfully risen up to show people there is another better path than the establishment, neoliberal shit path which has failed us . But now this fat cat, bourgeois elitist, PMC Orwellian animal farm has to ramp it up to protect the interests of the ADL and neocon inc, globalizationist, consumerist establishment and globalist apparatus, by firing people who dare criticize Israel .  

Notice these buttheads in Hollywood don't bat a lash when celebs embrace Satanism, mock and trash Christianity, or support actual Nazis like the Azov Battallion (who are still sensible enough to support Israel Zionist genocide).  No they go after anyone who the establishment schills tell them is a threat to their power. I am going to create a movement that snuffs that power , Survivor style

Oh and they use Hasbara propaganda on places like Reddit (which is already a tool of the US government, UKKK government and others to force young people who use Reddit to be neoliberal, neocon, swamp schills) to brainwash young people to be Zionist extremists and 'pro Israel'.  


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