Anti public holiday spiel

 A lot of things people think they do on their own accord are really stuff that people are heavily influenced to do by corporations, media, government (Corporatacy and Mediacracy). To break free of that bondage, people should follow my advice below.  

Most people have been brainwashed to do senseless public holidays, to have Liberalism 2.0 views etc by proto Liberalism 2.0/Liberalism 2.0 programming/Leninist 4.0 programming from an early age with propagandized Tv shows and movies

People are heavily influenced or brainwashed to wear the same types of sneakers (i.e tennis shoes), like Nike sneakers, to wear high top or mid top sneakers,  to wear the same types of clothes, to use the same social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok), to celebrate and decorate for public holidays (Mother's Day, Father's Day, Helloween, Valenswines Day, spring clean, spring break etc),to have the same political views (to be Liberal 2.0, to follow trends (like the ALS ice bucket challenge, Pokemon Go), to go to Disney parks,  to display BLM (for non blacks), Pride (for non LGBTQ), and Ukraine virtue signaling displays at home and on social media profiles, to basically to look, act and think the same etc.  

Just view any Twitter profile, from holiday themes to Liberal 2.0 themes (BLM, Pride, Ukraine) it is clear how much people are heavily influenced or brainwashed  by neoliberal Corporations to be their robots and schills

The Corporations and Media (Corporatacy and Mediacracy) tell us to think about every war, kidnapping, celebrity death, terrorist attack story they cover, they tell us how they want us to think about said stories and how long they want us to think about them (through their coverages of said news stories and profiting off of them). 

They tell us what to do for leisure (public holidays , vacations, trendy things like Pokemon Go or the Ice Bucket challenge, theme parks, cruises ,stupid Marvel superhero movies, Social media etc ), when to do them, how to do them. 

When so many people do so many of some of the same things above, that is proof that people are basically being brainwashed to do them. If people knew they were brainwashed, they wouldn't be brainwashed. 

People aren’t theming for/celebrating public holidays by choice, that ‘theming/celebration’ is not natural but coerced and artificial and that seriously bothers me. Theming for and celebrating public holidays like Helloween, Valenswines Day, St Fatrick's Day, Mother F*ckers Day, Father's Day is vulgar collectivism and thus evil. Public holidays like that are a CULT and people who do public holidays like Helloween, Valenswines Day, St Fatrick's Day, Mother F*ckers Day , Father's Day are brainwashed CULTISTS. It is all ritualism

It's time people become different and try to find ways to do the least amount of things that 'other' people do. It feels better to NOT do popular things than to do them. 

All of the above heavy influencing to force conformity runs counter to Individualism. Individualism is a basic human right and human value and needs to be exercised to stop this brainwashing conformity by the overlords. Individualism is human right and the stuff above flies in the face of that and tries to strip people of their Individualism 

Corporations and the like from America-Canada and to an extent Western Europe has spread their brainwashing abroad via WESTERN CULTURAL IMPERIALISM and GLOBALIZATION. From Nike to Disney toMcDonalds to American or Western holidays, to social media like Facebook, Tiktok and Instagram,  to Hollywood, to Western (mostly AMERICAN or CANADIAN) music, etc the whole world seems to be a clone of America-Canadian (and to a lesser extent Western European) culture wise.

There is no more cultural uniqueness, due to this violation of those culture via WESTERN CULTURAL IMPERIALISM and Globalization.  

When you see Youtubers in Siberia, Iceland and Australia dressing and acting like Youtubers from California or London England, we have a major problem that needs a solution. People in California and London shouldn’t even be doing that stuff

The corporate west and particular Corporate America uses this WESTERN CULTURAL IMPERIALISM and Globalization to 'civilize' and to exploit people, which these demented fascists have been doing for too long. Remember the quote? “No country with a McDonald’s would start an unprovoked war with another country”.  We have to end this Western Corporate Manifest Destiny ap.

We need to stop Corporate imperialism from destroying cultures. 


Celebrating public holidays is not a human need and is not essential

Public holidays are capitalist commodifications and that is wrong

My goal in life is to get NYC and other cities around the globe to permanently ban large crowds of people watching the New Year's Eve ball drop each year. Having all of those people packed together like they do is bad for their health, hearing, because of claustrophobia, breathing issues, INVASION OF PRIVACY germs, disease AND PERSONAL SPACE. 

At minimum people at those ball drops each year should self distance  (no closer than 6 feet apart)

In most alternate realities where there are annual New Year's Eve ball drops, on alternate reality Earth,  there are crowd size restrictions where people at said alternate reality New Year's Eve ball drops across alternate reality Earth each year are not allowed to stand closer than 6 feet apart at those events . There are other alternate realities where there are extreme crowd size restrictions at those alternate reality annual New Year's Eve ball drops across alternate reality Earth each year on alternate reality Earth

If New Year’s day falls on a weekend, the Monday after it should NOT be a federal holiday. That is senseless, lazy, stupid and overkill. Enough being lazy you lazy losers

Public Holiday
Just like Atheists don’t want to be reminded of Christianity and pc sjw snowflakes don’t want to be offended , I and others who don’t celebrate them, don’t want to be reminded of Halloween, Valentine's Day, St Patrick's Day ,Mother's Day, and Father's Day etc. 

People should not be given paid time off for non Federal holidays or for vacations that are outside of the job's region (vacations should be given only for FLMA)

I want the US and other countries to permanently abolish and ban Halloween, Valentine's Day, St Patrick's Day ,Mother's Day, and Father's Day forever. Those holidays do not make people live longer or be happier and SCIENCE backs this up

I am going to force every job in the US , Canada and UK to make it illegal for workers to take off if, their reason for taking off is vastly or solely because their workday falls on Valentine’s Day, Halloween. St Patruck’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Super Bowl sunday, the Monday after the Super Bowl , opening day, and New Year’s Eve 

Corporations, the media, the government and their minions literally brainwash millions of Americans, Canadians and some others in other countries to celebrate public holidays (using sensory, repetitive advertising and other similar brainwashing techniques). They want to decide what people do (celebrate a holiday) and when to do it (same time each year)  and how to do it. If that isn't fascism I don't know what is. 

Many corporations and the media shove public holidays down our throat which is appalling and repugnant. 

Public Holidays are also bad because they are symbols of big brother and their corporatist allies controlling people. In many places in the US, Canada etc you can’t escape from seeing major holidays, even on the internet or TV

We've got to break free of the public holiday bonsage that the government ,the media and corporations have over us. George Orwell (who never celebrated Halloween or Valentine’s Day EVER) warned us.  

If we can't change politics ,we can change this. 

This holiday fascism is all aided by Capitalism, Globalization, Capitalist commodification, Globalism, Transnational corporatism etc  . It is basically Cultural Imperialism and needs to end and I will make it end

People don't even know they are brainwashed to celebrate those holidays (because if they knew they were brainwashed they wouldn't be brainwashed).   Public holidays are a big CULTIST activity, no different than Jonestown under Jim Jones or the Stepford Wives

These warped CULTISTS are so brainwashed they mention every damn public holiday each month like robotic servants or mina birds to their corporate media and government masters and that needs to end. 

It is so sickening to see peoples homes, social media (i.e Twitter profiles/handles, Wikipedia signatures)  etc be decorated or themed after each public holidays or news story like Helloween, Valenswines Day etc each year. It is ritualized cultist behavior

For example, February comes Valenswines Day promotion , decorations and social media profile/website themes then comes and the tone deaf pro Ukraine virtue signaling, decorations social media profile/website themes   , then comes late spring,  spring cleaning, along with spring break and Easter promotion ,decorations and social media profile/website themes , then June and pride promotion, decorations and social media profile/website themes

Then comes summer , in 2020 for example it was BLM and their corporate wokeness non stop for months, in that year and other years in summer there are also summer promotion, decorations, social media profile/website themes and, then comes October with the Halloween promotion, decoration and social media profile/website themes etc. Then holiday madness from November to January (I am fine with holiday madness), rinse and repeat

It is sickening to see such things and groupthink/collective conformity. People who are not brainwashed or cultists would never follow those type of monthly and yearly cultist rituals of decorations-social media profile theming for news story exploitation and public holidays

If people did those things on their own accord without influence it would still suck but the pain would be numbed

You might be a brainwashed Neoliberal schill if you do all of the things below or vast majority of things here

Holidays or at least public holidays are all part of a Neoliberal Front (see meme section for meme on this)  To see so many brainwashed cultists all do theme their homes and social media profiles to the same holidays and every major news story each year  (almost in unison) is proof I am right. It is sickening and disgusting. They are brainwashed trolls .  

It is like they are obsessed robots programmed by their corporate masters to decorate and theme their online profiles or homes for those holiday each year and those actions by them are a SYMBOL, of them being brainwashed, a red flag

I am against people celebrating Halloween. People should ignore Halloween each year and find something more productive to do with their time.  Halloween is anti inclusive and alienates BIPOC, migrants etc

Halloween does not make people happier or healthier. There are billions of other things people can do other than that holiday where they would be happier than if they celebrated that trash holiday

Halloween is offensive to many people like Muslims, Christians and many other people who other don't celebrate it  

38 percent of Americans ignore Halloween each year (based on purchases source:Statistic Brain). 75 percent of Americans don’t dress up for Halloween each year 

Most American adults who celebrate Halloween only do so lightly like the teens in Halloween H20 (1998) 

Over 64 to 75 percent of American homes either have no Halloween decorations up each October or the only Halloween decorations they do have up are pumpkins

25+ to 33+percent percent of American children ignore Halloween each year

90 percent of people outside the US and Canada ignore Halloween each year. You will no trace of Halloween each year outside of the US, Canada , UK and Ireland

Halloween alienates people who don’t celebrate it and that is wrong. People who don’t celebrate Halloween shouldn’t have to see it in public, in their video games or on TV etc. It is their right not to be reminded of it

Halloween causes unneeded traffic, is an invasion of privacy (trick or treating) , causes kids and teens to beg, and it causes kids and teens to hurt their teeth with candy.  Halloween appropriates and also has racist roots to it.  Moreover Halloween makes a mockery of death and that is also offensive to many of us

I am going to get all schools , all towns and all cities across the US, Canada and wherever else it is celebrated to permanently ban Halloween forever (ie banning trick or treating forever, banning private and public Halloween parties forever and banning Halloween events, parades and concerts forever).  This includes me getting celebrity Halloween parties permanently banned forever

I want to coerce people to ignore Halloween forever and erase Halloween from Earth forever 

This reddit thread has some interesting drama and I side with the OP but I also agree with some of the counterpoints too. However, Halloween should be banned forever so if that happens debates like this would never occur 

I am so glad that many schools and school districts throughout the US and Canada are banning Halloween each year .That is start but we can do better. I want to get all schools to ban Halloween each year forever

I will bribe, blackmail and petition  politicians , celebrities, athletes etc across the US, Canada and Europe to ignore Halloween each year in their towns, cities and countries and I will do just that. Enough is enough with this bondage to Halloween madness. I am abolishing Halloween forever

I will force countries outside of North America to permanently ban Halloween and make it illegal FOREVER.

I have gotten Halloween banned throughout the US and Canada each year for years and I will continue to do so.  

Americans etc are brainwashed to celebrate Halloween by greedy corporations, media, their celebrity gods and possibly by the totalitarian Government to do so and this is heavily aided by Capitalism and that needs to end and so help me God I will make that end. I have never and will never celebrate Halloween ever.  

There is no logical reason that any non America or non Canadian in Asia, Oceania, South America, Central or Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa (i.e South Africa) should even think about Halloween let alone celebrate it. 

It's not their holiday , that holiday was forced on them by evil Western Cultural Imperialist and Globalizationist transnational Big Corporate scum or due to their false sense of insecurity about not being an American,where they try to copy American cultural things like Halloween since they think the whole world revolves around America and its culture 

It is an insult to their cultures for them to celebrate Halloween or to import Halloween to their countries.

Celebrating Halloween shows that people in those countries who celebrate it are bond servants to Western/American culture and corporate globalization, Capitalist greed and exploitation, trying to copy everything about us and that is sick and pathetic and needs to stop and by God I will make it stop

To people reading this, ignore Halloween this year and every year for the rest of your life. Don’t decorate for Halloween ever (and if you have Halloween decorations up now remove them and throw them in the trash) Don’t hand out candy for Halloween ever, don’t go to Halloween parties or events ever. 

Strongly influence your friends , family members and coworkers to ignore Halloween this year and every year for the rest of their lives .  

Strongly influence your friends , family members and coworkers not to decorate for Halloween ever (and if they have Halloween decorations up now have them remove them and throw them in the trash) . 

Strongly influence your friends , family members and coworkers not to hand out candy for Halloween ever, and not to go to Halloween parties or events ever. 

I want all of you each day to go to bribe dozens to hundreds of commerce councils across the US and Canada to cancel every Halloween event , party and parade . You can find event listings for Halloween related activities on event bright, Facebook events etc. 

If you see any public Halloween decorations bribe the commerce council, store , business or mall owners of that public property to let you buy those public Halloween decorations in bulk and once you do please destroy those decorations. Do this each day in October each year for me.

I want you reading this to go to book warehouses and stores each October then I want you to steal and destroy thousands or millions of Dr Seuss Halloween is for of Everyone books each year. 

I also want you to go to retail warehouses and stores each October and then steal and destroy thousands of Halloween costumes based on Dr Seuss works each October. 

Or at the very least petition Random house to stop selling Dr Seuss Halloween is for of Everyone books and Halloween costumes related to Dr Seuss works. Those Halloween related Dr Seuss things are racist, offensive, and I will force them to be canceled forever

If you are compelled after reading this to steal and destroy public Halloween decorations each day in October each year, then I won’t tell you not to do that  

Each day in October each year buy all Halloween things in all stores across your area (like Cvs, Walmart, Walgreens, etc) and then destroy those Halloween things each day, rinse and repeat

Call child’s services on any trick or treaters you see to get them sent home 

In most alternate realities, trick or treating, Halloween events and parties are NON EXISTENT on alternate reality Earth past present and future . 

In other alternate realities trick or treating, Halloween events and parties are NON EXISTENT on alternate reality Earth from the early 21st century and beyond 

I do like other planets' hypothetical holidays that very similar to Halloween 

Mother's Day and Father's Day are both shams and shallow senseless holidays. People shouldn't celebrate them ever (at worst they should instead celebrate Parent's Day or the Catholic Church version of them). Mother’s Day and Father's Day are wrong because they commodify parents

The woman who Mother's Day regretted she created it. We shouldn't have to single out 1 day a year to honor a parent, we should do so 365 days a year.  Corporations and the media should not profit off our relationships with our family.  Like mentioned above, those 2 holidays are cultist holidays people are brainwashed to celebrate. We need to break free of this. No religion advocates celebrating those 2 holidays. 

I feel the same way about Valenswines Day as I do about Halloween, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. 

I am going to get Valenswines Day permanently abolished forever, and to get city councils across the US etc to ban public Valentines Day events, parties, concerts each year forever. I myself will do my part in cancelling every public Valentines Day events, parties, concert I see listed each year forever. 

Over 60+ percent of American and Canadian Millennials thankfully don't celebrate Valenswine’s Day each year. Over 80 percent of people on Earth ignore Valenswine's Day each year. Valenswines Day is also wrong because it objectifies women, making them objects not people. Valentines Day is also offensive to Asexual people and impotent people. Valentine’s Day is also wrong because it commodifies women 

We shouldn't have to single out 1 day a year to live our significant other, we should do so 365 days a year.  Corporations and the media should not profit off of and commodify our relationships with our family.  Valenswines Day is a cultist holiday people are brainwashed to celebrate. We need to break free of this. No religion advocates celebrating Valenswines Day

I am against St Patricks Day being celebrated. St Patrick's Day is a racist white power-supremacist, senseless, offensive stupid holiday that needs to be abolished forever. It makes no sense, is a waste of time and serves no purpose at all. It is just another excuse for the evil capitalist consumerist pigs to commodify another thing to exploit people and shove another thing down our fucking throats.  I am going to get that holiday abolished forever

There is no logical reason so many people should celebrate the same things each year. Public holidays are as mentioned above offensive to people who don't celebrate them

I am fine with Purim.

Since I am generally anti holiday, I want Columbus Day to be permanently abolished for the same, NON WOKE, NON PC, NON LIBERAL reasons I want Valenswine's Day, St Ptrick's Day and Halloween to be permanently abolished. 

Those reasons are, Columbus Day like those holidays are something people (in particular Italian Americans) are brainwashed to do like a cult. 

Columbus Day, like the above holidays, is shoved down peoples throats each year via repetition in order to cause said brainwashing and cult like behavior. Columbus Day, like the above holidays, is the government and their ilk telling Americans what to do (celebrate Christopher Columbus 'discovering' the new world), when to do it (October each year) and how to do it (bbqs, appalling senseless cultist like parades).  

The fact that the government and their ilk basically are saying that Americans can only appreciate what Christopher Columbus did ('discovering' the new world) at a certain point each year (October) and via a holiday, like with other holidays like Mother's Day , Father's Day, Valenswines Day, and St Ptrcks Day is shallow, hollow, senseless, archaic (since holidays are an archaic concept), and similar bad things.  

I do NOT want Columbus Day abolished for the reasons that the woke, PC, Liberal 2.0ers want it abolished. 

I want Feast of Saint Rocco to become a Federal holiday.

I support Labor Day to honor all of the American workers who built our nation from the 18th century through today

In most alternate realities, trick or treating, Halloween events and parties, Valenswines Day events and parties, St Patrick’s Day parties parades and events , New Year's Eve events and parties are NON EXISTENT on alternate reality Earth past present and future . 

In other alternate realities trick or treating, Halloween events and parties, Valenswines Day events and parties, St Patrick’s Day parties, parades and events ,New Year's Eve events and parties are NON EXISTENT on alternate reality Earth from the 2020s and beyond 


Christmas has become very commercialized and this is in part due to Capitalism. Because of that I am sensitive to the concerns of the War on Christmas people even though I hate them. But if there is one major holiday besides Easter, Feast of Saint Rocco, Purim, Hanukkah, Memorial Day,and 4th of July that should be celebrated it is Christmas.

For Christmas, people, companies and cities go a bit overboard with putting up Christmas things and Christmas trees in social media profiles, website logos, hotels, stores, parks, etc not really caring at all about how that affects people who don’t like that stuff that much. There is no logical reason Dunkin Donuts for example should have a fucking Christmas tree in their store (I knocked a Dunkin Donuts Christmas tree down once on purpose and it felt great)

Christmas is a Christian holiday, (Santa knows we’re God’s children) , the stars represent Jesus’s birth etc. Ygassil tree was appropriated by Christians to signify Jesus giving life through his birth. That is why we have Christmas trees

When public places go overboard with Christmas trees, Santas, stars, etc as they often do, they could leave themselves open to being seen as violating the rights of non Christians But Christmas is the only holiday I am ok with other than maybe Easter and New Years

If Christmas falls on a weekend, then that next Monday should NOT be a federal holiday.

I really love Christmas being a federal holiday since Christmas being a federal holiday is a modern day blue law and I love blue laws 

I am against teens and adults wearing Santa hats in public. That is immature ,cultish and seems coerced . That proves just how brainwashed people are by Christmas . I will NEVER allow people to be required to wear Santa hats in public ever because any business or government that would require that would be FASCIST, EVIL AND REPUGNANT. I stock up on guns to prevent the government from requiring me to wear a Santa hat in public

I am against people putting Christmas trees , garland, Christmas lights or Christmas wreaths on their cars or trucks . People who go that far are schills for consumerism, and are corporate slaves and may have mental disorders

More on this by me

My goals


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