DeAmericanize the world and abolish American cultural imperialism

Ask yourself Asia residents, Africa residents, South America residents, Oceania residents: Why are most of your brands, tv shows, fast food joints, social media, favorite music all from one place; THE US?  Doesn't that seem wrong? weird?  It's like these US multinational monopolistic cultural imperialist invaders are telling you your culture and country sucks so you have to have a KFC or a MTV Challenge show or Nike sneakers or American holidays to make your country better. And you allow these US fascists to degrade your society and culture by exporting American culture to your country

It is white saviorism/ or US saviorism when these evil greedy fascist corporations export US culture into other countries and slowly kill the cultures of those countries so there is no difference between say Mongolia and Mexico or the US and Azerbekistan or Canada and Bolivia. It has to end . These US coloniaist corporations not only have monopolies everywhere they go but they have a monopoly on globalism, multnational corporatism, etc. It is wrong . 

You are all slaves to US culture and that is a fact. Until you kick out Yum's Brands in your countries, most McDonald's in your countries, either like US artists less than they are liked in the US or ignore US artists

US Cultural Imperialism is the US's way of through their corporate wing (us is a fascist state government + corporations Americanizing the planet via cultural imperialism of multinational corporate tyranny) are wrongly, and falsely telling countries that in their braindead racist minds, their countries suck if they don't embrace American culture (including leisure) in their countries. This textbook colonialism but since its done subtly ('soft power' mode), it is uncaught by the people in those countries

I wish the USSR never broke up and that the Iron Curtain stayed entact 100 percent to stop US globalism, US cultural imperialism, US

It is ok for people in other countries to appropriate US culture but the woke retards get triggered like the little bitches they are when we white Americans rightfully put on Native American costumes for Purim or cosplay or wear Kimonos? BULLSHIT .I call on the biggest wave of Americans appropriating cultures in Asia, South America, Central America, Oceania until those countries deAmericanize themselves. 

This article describes the literal cultural genocide of Thailand by American cultural imperialism and US corporate fascist colonialism. I am going to create the biggest anti US cultural imperialism movement ever . It starts with Thailand will we will fully DeAmericanize Thai culture and literally undo everything in that article that the American cultural genociders and their corporate imperialist globalist lackeyd did to it. I am going to get Thai people forced against their will to be deAmericanized . Then I will move on to other Southeast Asia countries, then to South American and Eastern European countries

If the US wants to make all countries on Earth be cheap carbon cutouts of the US ,the US should just go international Manifest Destiny mode and then literally force every other country on Earth to become part of the US and to become states of the US. If US wants to rule the world, make it official, make all countries part of the US and run by the US government.

Consumerism and American culture imperialism , as with social media give the illusion of choice and freedom to people but the irony is that Consumerism and American cultural imperialism is the most oppressing and slave like mentality one can find and it must end forever and I will be the one to end Consumerism and American cultural imperialism forever

I am glad that North Korea banned the internet because that prevents their country from being American cultural imperialized and shows they do things their own way. I am glad that the USSR banned rock music and Cuba banned post 1959 cars and rock music. As we see today, though harsh those acts were much needed to prevent the cultural genocide of their cultures by American imperialism . Americans are morons for thinking because they like something others in other countries have to also. 

American cultural imperialism is a recipe for a boringly homogeneous global village. I won't allow that village to exist. I will destroy that village

We have to force American cultural genocide corporations like MTV, Nike, McDonald's, Coca Cola, KFC out of nearly all countries they are colonizing. Those evil disgusting cultural colonialist globalist brands are culturally doing to countries in South America, Oceania, Asia, Africa, Europe exactly what the British colonialists, Spanish colonialists, French colonialists of the 16th century-19th century did to the world in those times.  It is soft imperialism because it is through a passive aggressive way instead of brute force

I will not allow the MLB or NFL to spread to most countries on Earth. Enough is enough

The youth in Europe, South America, Asia, Oceania, Africa are Americans to me. They are so Americanized and they are brainwashed American cultists who are a disgrace to their cultures ,ancestors and countries. They are indistuingable from Americans with those smartphones, their stupid social media, mannerisms, dress, leisure, etc. I am serious, they are American plants who LARP as natives of those countries but they are as American as apple pie. James Buchanan (the Confederate President of the US) would have been proud

I want to get Nike sneakers banned in most countries on Earth, I want to force McDonald's, Pepsi, Coca Cola out of most countries on Earth, I want to force Black Friday, Halloween, Valenswines Day out of virtually nearly all countries outside of North America. I want to force the US government to adopt the strongest protectionism (exports only) ever. I want to force the US into Isoloationism to offset their culture and political terrorism they wrought onto other countries for too long

America invades other countries with soft colonialism i.e cultural imperialism. I am going to force the world to boycott American brands, American cultural in their country forever. I will destroy any American culture I see in Europe, South America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, etc

Nothing gets me more depressed than seeing countries become Americanized culturally, politically, tech wise, etc. From worldwide 'pro science' and 'anti gun' protests to et

With the fall of the Berlin wall in particular, the US has decided to prop itself up as some leader of the world . I am against globalization because it carries with it the danger of homogenization in all countries.

America created the internet as a way to digitally invade other countries to Americanize them. The US decided to Americanize other countries so those other countries, in the racist xenophobic minds of the US 'would go from barbarism to being civilized and tamed'. 

I might just destroy American culture in the US first to cut the head off the snake. This includes me getting Halloween , St Fatrick's Day, Valenswine's Day completely banned in the US, me destroying and ending the American music industry , me destroying Hollywood forever. I want to abolish all big corporations like McDonald's, Nike, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Disney, Domino's. America's cultural imperialism is done besides the internet through multinational corporate colonialism which forces American culture trash into other countries as it did with that consumerist, evil, greedy, bourgeois Black Friday.  

Yep, that trash was exported into so many countries so now people in many countries around the world can become even more greedy, consumerist and evil as Americans due to Black Friday in their countries. How pathetic and evil. I am going to abolish Black Friday in nearly all countries outside of North America it spread to, I need suggestions how to do this please. See here for this Black friday consumerist pandemic spreading outside the host country (US) to places it doesn't belong

I am glad that the Netherlands banned Black Friday. At least one country realizes that that garbage greedy consumerist, collective cultist miserable tradition has no place in their country. I am going to help abolish Black Friday in nearly all countries outside of the US starting next year. 

More here

More of why Black Friday needs to be abolished forever

Black Friday is a black stain on our world and is the epititme of consumerist economic materialist evil, filth and crimes against humanity. Black Friday will exist no more anywhere outside of the US once I get done with it

American cultural imperialism destroys cultures as noted below. It is evil, disgusting and American chauvinism where the US culture like the evil disgusting degenerate bourgeois invasive species it is forces its way into other countries.  

The US is one of the most evil, disgusting, terrorist, oppressing countries ever, it has no business being the world police or forcing its trashy, garbage culture in other countries. Who the fuck does America think it is?

I have zero sympathy for the 9/11/2001 attacks . On 9/11/2001 unfortunately for the US they finally get punished for not only interfering and having its dirty paws in the political affairs of so many countries around the world, and for their warmongering, imperialism in places like Vietnam, Korea, Philippines, Yugoslavia, Spain (Cuba war late 19th century) They also got punished for their cultural imperialism/multinational corporate colonialism  by forcing their culture and brands into other countries.  

The WTC was seen by its attackers as a symbol of American greed, cultural imperialism, consumerism, globalization, the Pentagon was seen by its attackers as a symbol of American imperialism, colonialism, warmongering and to see those targets attacked and in the case of the WTC destroyed was a glorious thing for me to see.  The US suffered for it, it has spread its filth throughout the world, so it is only natural other people in other countries who rightfully realize this are goingto reverse this process, just like Al Qaeda did on 9/11/2001. 

I feel the US was worse than Nazi Germany and the USSR in WWII. The US was the real threat to the world at that time. The Allied Powers should have destroyed the US like they did to Nazi Germany and then destroyed Nazi Germany afterward. 

My goal is to deAmericanize the world and I will do so

I want to deamericanize Europe, South America, Asia, Oceania, Africa. American culture should not be in the vast majority of countries

American holidays like Halloween, St Fatrick's Day, Valenswine's Day, Mother's Day should not be celebrated outside of the US, Canada, and NW Europe. There is nothing more stupid, maddening and retarded than people in Central America or Asia or Africa celebrating fucking St Fatrick's Day. It is not only unnatural (cultural appropriation of Irish people) but it is a sign of literal cultural genocide of other cultures in other countries by the US machine. The US is like Darth Vader

I am glad Mongolia banned Halloween. I hate the US so much and I want to destroy its culture forever from the inside. I want to make America pay for what it did to the world, I live here so I can do so. I hope America gets attacked so badly, it causes great depressions, the shut down of all major corporations, the destruction of American culture

We need American culture in the US to be destroyed and be replaced 100 percent by cultures from Southeast Asia, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Brazil, Panama, Australia to give America a taste of its medicine. We need other countries to invade America and create color revolutions in our country and to fiddle in our politics like the US did for centuries to others. I hate America. To Muslims, Israel is not your enemy, America is your enemy.

These evil disgusting multinational culturally colonialist corporations don't give a fuck about the people in the countries they invade , just see all the companies like McDonalds who pulled out of Russia over Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. McDonald's bleeds Russians for their cash and then drops them like flies when it is profitable. F McDonald's I am going to force McDonald's to become defunct forever before I die

I agree with this resentment and backlash against American cultural imperialism from this thread

Some cultural exchange is always nice, but we're not talking about it, right?

Brazil is a multi cultural country, even our states have totally distinguish ways to live (in the same state our culture is plural), we're probably the country with the most diversity when talking about culture, we have suffered from the influence of almost every place in the world, literally, for example, here in my state is common to drink mate (yerba mate), a indigenous drink, at the same time we use a Arabian pants, bombacha, both are traditional and related over here, but not in its background. We always do that, immigrants from a lot of places in the world coming and bringing their culture, mixing it all, literally.

U$ culture came in a different form, mostly with films, propaganda and companies, it's hard to say a culture is bad for a country, but somethings that came with this influence was very damage to us, as obesity is increasing more and more every year, mostly with kids because of those junk foods. There was some good things of course, but they're literally nothing as why this influence came and how much harm it has done, you just said, cultural imperialism to control and to get something, it's not a natural movement from people to people.

Oh, most important of all, it's not even close to suppress our on culture as any other influence has ever done, we're literally a mix and american influence is just a part of it...

About being in every country is just a natural thing, as a lot of big countries export their culture, like China, Japan, England, South Korea, Germany, even Brazil, it's not like U$ is the most important cultural influence in most countries, not even close to that.

Dude, even our left is importing american problems to whine about while the right wants to copy the failed american economic system (failed on the perspective of the common worker)

Well, I don't see that as cultural influence. Different from the 1950s when people started naming their kids Washington and Wellington. Also, the neoliberal ideas can be traced to groups like the Austrian school and is not exclusively American. The woke culture... yeah, I think that's American. But it's still something of the middle class here. Hasn't percolated to the people yet.  (I am going to force Brazil to ban wokeness forever even if I have to use 'direct action' to do so

Hollywood Gets Snubbed in Saudi Arabia as Arabic Films ...

The Hollywood Reporter › movie-news › s...

Aug 1, 2023 — ... Americanized" releases. By Alex ... Sure, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny may have underperformed internationally, but in Saudi Arabia ...

The American way of life is the best … for Americans

Frontiersman › opinion › the-american-...

Mar 30, 2004 — ... Saudi Arabia. She offers a unique perspective on the struggles in ... Americanized. Below are some excerpts from her letter, followed by the ...

Fingers crossed: Asia will be one of the main producers of media content in the near future . I hope China has a million times more cultural influence on the world than the US does and the US culture around the world dies with China overtaking it

I support this anti American backlash in HK 

Mickey Mouse is a symbol of American cultural genocide in other countries

End of day if the non white countries want to be brainwashed by US culture and have US culture shoved down their throats to the point where their country is a gloriifed US state so be it, The only reason that the world revolves around US culture as much as it appears to is because America is a white country and non whites are worshipping whiteness by worshipping US culture (trying to whiten themselves by embracing US culture) 

US cultural imperialism and consumerism that comes with it falsely brainwashes people in other countries to wrongly and falsely think that US culture coming to their country will make them happier, healthier, safer. But the fact is the quality of life in Americanized countries is actually lower than non non Americanized countries. American culture is almost as bad as the pandemic virus to other countries and needs to be defeated


We need a worldwide revolution of protesters in the Global South/BRICs,/Eastern Europe especially in Southeast Asia, South America, Africa and particularly in the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand to fight to keep their culture from dying and turning into another glorified US overseas territory at the hands of cultural imperialist, corporate colonialist greedy fascist globalist pigs like Yum Brands, NBC Universal, MTV, Paramount/Viacom, Nike, Starbucks, Walmart. We have to do extreme measures or else. 

Who wants to go from the US to Myanmmar and see a FUCKING PIZZA HUT. Who the fuck wants to go to a Himalayan outpost and see the locals wearing FUCKING Nike sneakers.  What is happening is the US government and its corporate cultural imperialist-fascist union are branding people in those countries with Nike symbols, American fast food brand slogans etc. It is evil , slaves used to be branded by their slave masters, Jews were branded in the holocaust by the Nazis and it is happening again via this new type of corporate US cultural imperialist fascism

We need to destroy all Yum Brands of fast foods, to destroy supply chain trucks carrying Nike sneakers, to destroy MTV studios, NBC studios in each country in Asia, South America, Africa, Europe, Oceania to kick those globalist brands out of those countries. 

We need to force governments around the world to ban social media like Meta and tiktok? .Thailand is just another America. All of those Buddhist symbols and thai culture symbols in Thailand are just props to hide the fact that Thailanders are American worshipping, cultural consumerist cultists who are too foolish to know they are being genocided into Americans

You never see corporations from the vast majority of countries do like the US corporations, brands, entertainment, do and force their way into other countries, destroying their cultures with their US cultural imperialism like the US has done to practically all countries with their shitty shows like Real HouseSLUTS, Guido Shore, Nikes, American social media (or social media as a whole). It is a one way street. America is trying to rule the world through cultural imperialism/corporate colonialism, through all their big brother type military bases all over the world, through meddling in the affairs of every country and their warmongering.

We have to stop the US, if the US got destroyed our world would be better. The US is the biggest threat to our planet and its culture and peoples, more than Russia, China, Iran, Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeda. I hate the US and want it destroyed

I want to destroy American multinational corporations and brands like McDonald's, Nikes , Yum Brands, American trash tv like Real Housecunts, Guido Shore, etc.

The reason mcDonalds did the 'no 2 countries with mcdonalds would ever war with each other' was because the whole point of the US government-corporate fascism complex is to culturally imperialize third world countries, Global south countries to what they wrongly and falsely say is to 'civilize them' (James Buchanan said so 1859). They wrongly and falsely think Asia residents, Africa residents are savages or barbarians who need American culture and American consumerist to civilize them. 

background here context

some apologia and devil's advocate hot take here

Another way the US culturally imperializes other countries is like what Meta and Mark Cuckerburg did in 3rd world countries where he played white savior to them and helped them access his stupid globalist, culture destroying (include American culture destroying) social media site Facebook for free. All to brand poor third worlders with the Facebook logo just like the slave masters in the US did to their slaves centures ago


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