
Showing posts from November, 2023

Good resources on US cultural corporatist manifest destiny

 There are so many US brands, chains, products, entertainment and companies (like globalist internationalist elitist merchant companies like Paramount Viacom/MTV, NBC universal, Yum Brands, McDonald's, Nike  They are trying to make the world like the US culturally . There is no other excuse for so many of those invasive US corporate fascist, cultural greedy predators to be in so many countries + the countries they are in. America has replaced their warmongering machine with corporate culturist soft warmongering i.e cultural imperialism some apologia and devil's advocate hot take here Franchisees not company control, amount in each country, countries not in or never in, %

Resist US cultural imperialism/ US corporate fascist colonialism

  Prevent the NFL and MLB from growing globally Kick out Yum brand fast o

real housesluts is an evil, immoral, US culturally imperialist show and I am getting it banned worldwide Real Housewives is not something that any country outside the US should have. It is a tragedy on par with a typhoon or terrorist attack for that globalist filth US cultural imperialist US supremacist NBC to force the trash filthy disgusting piece of shit show Real Housewives to other countries . Real housewives shows destroy the cultures of countries they are in. By airing Real Housewives in other countries people in those countries will die years sooner than if that trash white karen whore show never aired in their countries. I am going to force NBC universal to cancel Real Housewives of Bangkok forever and not air any episode ever I will get the most extreme extremists I can find in Thailand to use extreme methods to get the real housewives cancelled before it airs or before its first season of whining manboy hookers desecrating Thailand on screen ends. I am going to hack into Thailand's television and internet signa

US corporations are evil

 Look at these fascist globalist corporate xenophobic imperialist warmongering pieces of garbage I have no words for the utter stupidity and patheticness of seeing KFC, Pizza Hut, McDonald's and other fast food chains in so many fucking countries. It is clear American cultural globalization at the hands of their fascist bed buddies the US corporate colonialist greed machine like McDonald's, Yum Brands, etc.  These countries are brainwashed for allowing these corporate US fascists into their country and to culturally genocide their cultures with their generic, consumerist, American junk, destroying the local food places nearby.  McDonalds Arches, Colonel Sanders, Nike logos have degraded the cultures and history of countries in Asia, Africa, . These cheap, evil, greedy, corporatism fascist, cultural imperialist, colonialist companies should and will be banished from those areas by me forever soon. It makes too much sense to do so for me

DeAmericanize the world and abolish American cultural imperialism

Ask yourself Asia residents, Africa residents, South America residents, Oceania residents: Why are most of your brands, tv shows, fast food joints, social media, favorite music all from one place; THE US?  Doesn't that seem wrong? weird?  It's like these US multinational monopolistic cultural imperialist invaders are telling you your culture and country sucks so you have to have a KFC or a MTV Challenge show or Nike sneakers or American holidays to make your country better. And you allow these US fascists to degrade your society and culture by exporting American culture to your country It is white saviorism/ or US saviorism when these evil greedy fascist corporations export US culture into other countries and slowly kill the cultures of those countries so there is no difference between say Mongolia and Mexico or the US and Azerbekistan or Canada and Bolivia. It has to end . These US coloniaist corporations not only have monopolies everywhere they go but they have a monopoly on

Anti travel consoslsdl

toiiotr ,” said Erin Florio, executive editor of Condé Nast Traveler. “There’s a lot of pent-up travel demand,” said Jessica Griscavage, a travel advisor and CEO of Runway Travel. “We misse This so-called “revenge travel” trend — a term recently coined to describe burgeoning, pent-up wanderlust — coincides with looser health rules abroad and at home. https://medi

Anti international tourism Aktion

my own consider travel q for quoara Of 70 one percent of Americans in 2021 travel poll So about 40% have been to a country in Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, or South America.  I’m going to hazard a guess that the majority of these were to: The vast majority of Americans (no to asia oceania etc) Canada Mexico Afghanistan Iraq Wherever a cruise ship happened to go to port. The first two require no passport because we share a border and are friendly. It may be that they are in the wrong order. Numbers 3 and 4 generally required no passport for (ahem) entirely other reasons. My view may be skewed by personal experience. But I’d put money on it if Only one-third of Americans have a valid US passport | YouGov Only a third of American adults say they have a valid and unexpired U.S. passport (37%) – about the same percentage as those who have never had a passport at all (38%). ht

Blueprint to fight our worldwide US/Americana West Cultural Genocide crissi

 I am going to force Aussie Shore to shut down production 

Against Cult impeiralism (work in progress)

When the US invaded Iraq under GWB's lies and deceit, why were we leftists upset? Not only due to the massacres of both civilizans, and soliders on both sides who should never have been forced into a war by Dubya but also due to the US imperializing another country on par with the Manifest Destiny 2.0 Wilson Doctrine. Now we see soft versions of such imperialism in other countries and we must stand up to it like we stood up against the Iraq War I am ANTI  Cultural US Imperialism/Cultural Western Imperialism , ANTI Imperialism , ANTI Cultural Globalization I am against multinat ional corporatist fascism and transnational consumerism (also known as Market Globalism ). All this is culturally globalist conformity and we must stop it You can hear this taking shape in the early 2000s when Western neocon elite xenophobic bigots especially in the US wrongly and falsely degraded Muslim countries as backward, stone age, barbaric in order to justify these evil acts above on them along wit

Stop the NFL's globalism, and cultural imperialism and American colonialization

 I am absolutely against the NFL having international home markets. That is colonization trying to force an American sport onto countries where the vast majority to nearly all the population of those countries doesn't know one damn thing about the NFL I am coming for the American corporate globalists, globalizationists, cultural imperialists and I will abolish them to free other countries from American cultural colonialization. It is sad and depressing how the whole world outside of North America are slaves to US culture and entertainment. It goes to show that the US imperialized so many countries it made them slave nations to the US The NFL can pretend they have so called international home markets all they want, but the fact remains the vast majority of people in those countries internationally have no idea their country is a 'internati