Against Cult impeiralism (work in progress)

When the US invaded Iraq under GWB's lies and deceit, why were we leftists upset? Not only due to the massacres of both civilizans, and soliders on both sides who should never have been forced into a war by Dubya but also due to the US imperializing another country on par with the Manifest Destiny 2.0 Wilson Doctrine. Now we see soft versions of such imperialism in other countries and we must stand up to it like we stood up against the Iraq War

I am ANTI Cultural US Imperialism/Cultural Western Imperialism, ANTI Imperialism, ANTI Cultural Globalization

I am against multinational corporatist fascism and transnational consumerism (also known as Market Globalism). All this is culturally globalist conformity and we must stop it

You can hear this taking shape in the early 2000s when Western neocon elite xenophobic bigots especially in the US wrongly and falsely degraded Muslim countries as backward, stone age, barbaric in order to justify these evil acts above on them along with wars. The solution is not to give those neocons what they want by those countries surrendering to Cultural US Imperialism/Cultural Western ImperialismImperialism, Cultural Globalizationmultinational corporatist fascism and transnational consumerism (also known as Market Globalism) but to reject those things, erase those things in their countries and to show there are other ways and paths that while aren't American/Western are certainly as far away from being backward, stone age, barbaric as the US and West are.  

It is not a bad thing for countries to reject the McDonalds since it sells food which is mad unhealthy and to reject American holidays which are born of consumerism and breed bad habits  or to reject American brands like Nike which are cheap, ugly, bland, and bad for the feet etc. In fact the US is backward, stone age and barbaric for creating and sustaining in abundance such decedent filth

The US brands people in Asia, Africa, South America/Central America, Eastern Europe/Russia, Middle East with Nike symbols, Facebook logos, google logos, McDonalds arches and burgers, Pop logos like Pepsi logos and Coke logos , Taylor Swift merchandise, Justin Timberlake merchandise, and more. The Jews during the Holocaust were branded by the Nazis and poc slaves were branded by their captors in the Old South (see here for more) The more things change the more they stay the same 

All the stuff above is Americana/US cultural appropriation and wrong and offensive.  The US and Americana West tells other countries in other places that the US/West culture is superior to all other cultures and so great and that their countries need stuff from this culture to be 'happy' or to have 'fun' . That is so condescending, supremacist, bigoted, xenophobic, consumerist etc that the US/West should pay for this (and they will hopefully one day)

The US and their Americanized/Proto Americanized Western allies conquer countries in Asia, Africa, South America/Central America, Oceania and then impose their cultures onto their culture, slowly diffusing said cultures eventually leading to the cultural genocide I outlined in this post. It's the same thing Nazi Germany was trying to do, but different goals, different methods, under a splash of 'democratic' 'liberal' utopian paint

The above things create a US/Western Cultural Genocide of such countries which is also known as silent genocides. But these US/Western cultural genocides will not be mourned, recognized, memorialized nor have catchy mottos like 'never again means never again'. These US/Western cultural genocides are as cult like as Nazi Germany was in the 1930s and if we do not stop this world wide US cultural genocide we will regret it when our society and planet is destroyed which is the end result of US/Western Cultural genocide

Seeing the recent news events being globalized was a wakeup call for me to fight against US cultural/Americana Western cultural imperialism, cultural genocide, Cultural Globalization, multinational corporatist fascism and transnational consumerism ie market globalism.  It's like there is a US cultural strain of mono that has infected the planet

I support a multipolar world, and ideologies descended from the Fourth Political Theory (also see here and here) which would counter and reverse the cultural globalization, market globalism, multinational corporatist fascism and all the US/Americanized Westernized Cultural Hegemony that comes along with it

I also want us to use Post Colonial Anarchism/Postcolonial Feminism and Decolonization to further end and abolish cultural globalization, market globalism, multinational corporatist fascism and all the US/Americanized Westernized Cultural Hegemony to liberate the world from the US and US brainwashed West

Some of us in the US/West like going to places in the Eastern Hemisphere/Global South to escape American culture /Western culture and to see US/Western stuff like Halloween, Nike sneakers, Domino's Pizza, or Westernish stuff like Facebook, Tik Tok etc in the Eastern Hemisphere/Global South makes us feel trapped that there is no place on Earth we can go to get away from such American/Western stuff (like the whole world is one big Stepford Wives)

There should be national boundaries for the flow of goods and services, concepts and ideas.

Cultural US Imperalism, Cultural Globalization is bad in part because it creates worldwide Homogenization

An alternative perspective on cultural globalization emphasizes the transfiguration of worldwide diversity into a uniformed Westernized consumer culture.[14] Some critics argue that the dominance of American culture influencing the entire world will ultimately result in the end of cultural diversity. Such cultural globalization may lead to a human monoculture.[15][16] 

This process, understood as cultural imperialism,[17][page needed] is associated with the destruction of cultural identities, dominated by a homogenized and westernized, consumer culture. The global influence of American products, businesses and culture in other countries around the world has been referred to as Americanization.

 This influence is represented through that of American-based television programs which are rebroadcast throughout the world. Major American companies such as McDonald's and Coca-Cola have played a major role in the spread of American culture around the globe. Terms such as Coca-colonization have been coined to refer to the dominance of American products in foreign countries, which some critics of globalization view as a threat to the cultural identity of these nations.

I want to liberate Asia/Middle East, Africa, Oceania, South America/Central America, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia  from Cultural US/Western Imperialism, digital US colonialism, and multinational corporatist fascism, globalism

Cultural Imperialism by the US and West is like an invasive species sent to destroy the unique cultures of countries in Asia/Middle East, Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia, South America/Central America and Africa

I am against Halloween, Valentine's Day, St Patrick's Day being celebrated in Asia/Middle East, Africa, Oceania, South America/Central America, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia 

My reason is those holidays being done in those places is cultural imperialism. It is wrong because when tourists from the US or North America go to those places they go to them to get away and to go somewhere exotic, they do not want to see St Patrick's Day parades or McDonald's arches or dozens of people wearing Nike sneakers. 

The US has used social media to digitally colonialize the world by forcing social media into Asia/Middle East, Oceania, South America/Central America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Russia

In Cambodia there is a singer named Sok Seylalin. She is the very image of the horrors of US cultural imperialism/digital colonialization, Cultural Globalization, multinational corporatism fascism, 

This American wannabe, talentless singer celebrates every American holiday, she is obsessed with Disney so much it would sicken me to type just how much, she dresses like an American, she speaks English over Cambodian on her yes AMERICAN SOCIAL MEDIA accounts which she tons of . 

She is literally indistinguishable from American girls her age.  Oh to top it off she even did a concert in 2012 with US 7th Fleet soldiers singing 'Wonderful World'.   

It is almost like she is spoofing Americans but she is not.   In fact, I would go as far to say that Sok Seylalin acts more 'American' than I am , and I am a Polish American Jew with slight mongol/hun ancestry and non ethnic cultural ancestry from NW Europe who is a 3rd generation American raised in your typical white American suburbs (Old Bridge New Joisey and Parlin New Jersey). Seriously, Sok Seylalin is more of poster child for 'typical American' than I am, that is how sick in the head this American LARPing girl is

Sok is not alone, she is like a lot of young people in Asia/Middle East, Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia, South America/Central America and Africa who like Sok is brainwashed by US consumerism (i.e transnational consumerism) due to Cultural US imperialism, Cultural Globalization, digital colonialism and multinational corporatist fascism 

The reason is the US and West culturally imperialize countries in Asia/Middle East, Oceania, South America/Central America, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa to in the words of James Pukecannon 'to civilize the barbarians'.  (his words not mine).  It is xenophobic, bigoted and wrong for US corporations to expand to Asia/Middle East, Oceania, Africa . Wikipedia says that Cultural Globalization/Cultural Imperialism creates " Less stereotypes and misconception about other people and cultures." which is a nice way for Wikipedia to say "Americanizes/Westernizes other peoples and cultures around the world in order to civilize them"

By people in Asia/Middle East, Oceania, South America/Central America, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa embracing US public holidays, social media (or just US/western Social Media), US brands (like Nike for starters), US multinational corporations (McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts, KFC, Burger King, DQ, Domino's Pizza, Walmart, etc) and US entertainment it shows they devalue their own culture and country and embrace the US culture because they wrongly see their country and culture as inferior to the US and the West and that is wrong.  

So cultural imperialism and its sub ideologies like Cultural Globalization also mentioned above are xenophobic . It causes people in Asia/Middle East, Oceania, South America/Central America, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa to disrespect their culture and their ancestors by embracing a foreign culture 

It's also in politics too. It is wrong that US political terminology is being found outside of North America and the UK (politics are supposed to be different in those places and in the US it is wrong for such terminology to exist). It is wrong that people protest against our gun laws or against  DJT's views on science half a world away.  US Politics is another thing that is forced upon people outside of North America and Western Europe in order to force them to become radically liberal, alt right, or some other American politico polemic and to move those countries into the political direction of the US

We have to prevent wokeness from spreading beyond North America/Western Europe because it is a mind virus.  I cannot convey how much we have to prevent wokeness from spreading to Asia/Middle East, Oceania, South America/Central America, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa .

We have to decolonialize Asia/Middle East, Oceania, Africa, South America/Central America, Russia, Eastern Europe and this includes having those countries ban Nike sneakers, ban other US brands like Pepsi, Coca Cola,, ban US public holidays (and for Asia except for the Philippines and Vietnam to ban Xmas too),  ban US companies like McDonald's , Bu

I am glad that US companies left Russia in 2022 at the onslaught of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This is the first step for Russia to dewesternize. This is why I support Brics and the Global South overtaking and hopefully destroying the Global North 

Remember other things which cause Asia/Middle East, Africa, Oceania, South America/Central America, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia to become culturally and politically carbon cut outs of the US is color revolutions by the US/Western neoliberal political machines and NATO.

NATO furthers this cultural imperialism, Cultural Globalization and the like by colonizing its member states by tying them into US military .More insight on the negatives of NATO can be found here. So we got to oppose NATO and prevent these reactionary US/Western backed Color revolutions from happening to go along with the other plans I lay out in this post too.

If the US wants Asia/Middle East, Oceania, South America/Central America, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa to be like the US then I will be ok with it but with one cavaet: have the US make Australia/New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, the Philippines, Myanmmar, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, South Africa, Sub Saharan Africa, Northern Africa, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,  Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Qatar,  Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Finland, Slovakia, Eastern Germany, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Slovenia, Georgia (the country), Armenia, Azer--istan, Turkey, officially become US states then I am fine with those places becoming just like the current 50 US states to a tee since at least then we would have to fully Americanize them since they are part of the US


Cultural globalization creates a more efficient society while also limiting how it can operate. Anna Tsing, an American anthropologist, explains that Friction makes global connections between cultures effective while also preventing globalization from being a smooth transition of power.[21]

Instead of globalization being about networks or a continuous flow, Tsing argues that we should think about it being created in two parts, the outside world (global) and the local. Globalization is seen as a friction between these two social organizations where globalization relies on the local for its success instead of just consuming it.[21]

The rainforests in Indonesia exemplify how globalization is not a straightforward process, but one that is complex and messy. Capitalist interests reshaped the landscape through chains of entrepreneurs and other businesses that came in and extracted its resources to sell to distant markets. In response to these interactions, environmental movements emerged and began to defend the rainforests and the communities.[21] This instance is not limited to just a nation or a village, but to several social organizations all at work. Environmental activists, students, local communities, private interests, and investors all have interacted with one another in regard to globalization. This exemplifies how globalization promotes interconnections between groups who are entirely different from one another into a single place.[21]

Friction among social groups present risks of both potential destruction and improvement. Through this idea, globalization is not simply a tool used for networking and worldwide connection, nor is it an authoritarian flow of capital interest looking to take over local communities. Instead, globalization is viewed as a continuous engagement between various different social groups. While the destruction of the rainforest habitats through globalization is seen as a negative result, the emergence of local and national activists in response to these circumstances have led to more support for indigenous and environmental rights.[21]

Globalization is often seen as homogenizing the world and includes a diffusion of beliefs that are eventually infused and accepted across time and space. Instead, globalization is about understanding and recognizing that communities are not the same and these differences are what make up the contemporary world. The friction between different groups is what keeps global power in continuous motion.[21]

Corruption brought to the rainforest through capital interests highlight the struggle to find distinctions between the locals who are working for domestic development and those who are motivated by foreign investors and corporations. These distinctions add to the confusion globalization brings as it blurs the line between private and public. Outside motivations began to impact some of these reclusive communities who, up until this point, were considered untouchable or unaffected by globalization.[21]

I support old school Marxism and   as that is a more natural and peaceful way for the world to come together than through the evil methods above

Another reason that Cultural Globalization in particular sucks is due to Conflict intensification  which is caused by it

Another alternative perspective argues that in reaction to the process of cultural globalization, a "Clash of Civilizations" might appear. Indeed, Samuel Huntington emphasizes the fact that while the world is becoming smaller and interconnected, the interactions between peoples of different cultures enhance the civilization consciousness that in turn invigorate differences. Indeed, rather than reaching a global cultural community, the differences in culture sharpened by this very process of cultural globalization will be a source of conflict.[18] While not many commentators agree that this should be characterized as a 'Clash of Civilizations', there is general concurrence that cultural globalization is an ambivalent process bringing an intense sense of local difference and ideological contestation.[19]

Alternatively, Benjamin Barber in his book Jihad vs. McWorld argues for a different "cultural division" of the world. In his book the McWorld represents a world of globalization and global connectivity and interdependence, looking to create a "commercially homogeneous global network". This global network is divided into four imperatives; Market, Resource, Information-Technology and the Ecological imperative. On the other hand, "Jihad" represents traditionalism and maintaining one's identity. Whereas "Clash of Civilizations" portrays a world with five coalitions of nation-states, "Jihad vs. McWorld" shows a world where struggles take place on a sub-national level. Although most of the western nations are capitalist and can be seen as "McWorld" countries, societies within these nations might be considered "Jihad" and vice versa.[20]

Moreover American cultural cultists in Global South/Eastern Hemisphere countries like Sok Seylalin make a mockery or Americans by appropriating and humping US culture fed to them via cultural imperialism/cultural globalization. This causes people in their countries to wrongly assume all Americans are monolith and act as stereotyped as people like Sok Seylalin makes us look. But this misses the fact that most Americans are different than most other Americans in a few or more ways (with me its a lot of ways), and that there are in deed microcultures in the US from Native American culture, Creole culture, Cajun culture, Amish culture, poc culture in the Northern industrial cities like Harlem, Detroit, poc culture as a whole, LGBTQ unique culture in San Francisco, Mormon culture in Utah and Nevada and more.  

I touch on this a bit more in this post in the criticism of cultural globalization part of this post from Wikipedia

I do support Communist Internationalism (NOT International Communism which I am against) and Proletarian internationalism as a way to bring the world together and to properly provide another path to Cultural Globalization, Cultural Imperialism, Market Globalism, Multinational Corporatacracy and company, and every form of such ideologies

I support R._Palme_Dutt  because he used the freedom of Communism and Marxism to become what he wanted to be (which is to someone who adopts the cultural aesthetics of the West) and not by way of modern Capitalism/Neoliberalism which westernizes its victims in the Global South and Eastern Hemisphere via coercion, force, and similar culturally imperialistic orwellian methods .  

It always felt like Dutt was a Westernish guy all along , when I see people today in Southeast Asia, deep South America, Maori parts of New Zealand, Russia etc they seem culturally indistinguishable from people in Los Angeles or Peoria Illinois or in the middle of Ohio or in Central New Jersey or in the suburbs of Manchester UK yet you can tell that they are appropriating western culture and that they are being forced to do so (like how porn stars are coerced to falsely think they are having fun when in fact they are being abused since porn in and of itself it abusive)

So to wrap this part up, unlike the case I outlined above about R Palme Dutt , the latter people are a victim of cultural globalization, cultural genocide, cultural imperialism and similar invasive corporate fascist brainwashing to appropriate Western culture (when I say western culture for the latter, I mean Americana type of Western culture, not Greece/Turkey type Western culture)

So we need Communist internationalism over all the stuff I complain about in this thread to naturally, tastefully, creatively, humanley and inclusively do what Wikipedia claims are the benefits of cultural globalization 

The USSR industrialized and modernized their society through such Communism which is a good thing. The USSR rightfully wasn't industrialized and modernized through Neoliberalism/ Globalist Capitalism soulless and invasive methods like Cultural Imperialism, Cultural Genocide, Cultural Globalization, etc but through a humane, natural, inclusive method which is Communist Internationalism 

Instead of seeing McDonald's, Pepsi, Nikes, Facebook, Easter in countries in Asia, South America, I want to see my comrades i.e fellow Communists, fellow Marxists in those places since they all have the same goal as I mentioned here

Also like mentioned here

This is why Luna Oi is a much much better person in the global scheme of things than Sok Seylalin is

I am almost tempted to say that Cambodia under Pol Pot was better than Cambodia today due to the anti colonial and anti west sentiment of Cambodia then. 

But then I remember how the US helped Pol Pot ascend to power and actually genocide his citizens and I realize that Pol Pot too was an instrument of the US to Americanize/Culturally Imperialize-Globalize and Culturally genocide Cambodia which may be actually be part of the reason Cambodia is pretty much indistinguishable from Anytown USA today (aside from Buddhist-Hindu /Ancient Cambodia shrines etc which today are nothing but tourist props or selfie props to modern Cambodian bourgeois trolls who probably view those shrines etc with the same xenophobia that Americans see those shrines, even though Cambodians unlike Americans actually grow up around and go to said shrines in Cambodia)

global south lgbt thgin

I wish that countries in particular like Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong, Myanmmar, Singapore, kick out all US brands, US companies, all social media (and use China's social media only if they are too brainwashed and cultist to get off of social media) and basically remove all traces of US cultural imperialism/globalization/genocide and get back to their roots (but updated for modern times) . Once that happens I want to see those countries combine to declare war on the US and to culturally genocide the US to force the US to have the same exact culture that Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore had pre 1990s (but updated for modern times)

I want the same thing for South American countries but instead of doing so to the US like above, have them to do so to Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Basque country, Gibaltar, Southern France, Western Italy etc to make them like South America was 100+ years ago (but updated for modern times)

It's like the US thinks since they colonialized and imperialized the world they owe it to the world to have cultural and political dominance over it. Like a burglar committing a burgarly then burning the house down afterward 

The only American culture I want exported to other countries is NATIVE AMERICAN/First Nations culture

So replace all US culture in other countries where it shouldn't be with Native American/First Nations culture

I am ok with a watered down, weeded out novel type of Alter Cultural Globalization which is basically where US and Western stuff in Global South type countries occurs in a novel way and not part of a trend of cultural imperialism/globalization (like going to the country Georgia and seeing a girl in a Buffalo Sabres jersey in the 1970s or the WWF having matches in Australia in the 1960s/1970s once in a blue moon, you know old school cultural relations between countries basically

The Donger's character in Sixteen Candles, the Indian guy in Office Space are examples of this water down, weeded out, novel acceptable type of Alter Cultural Globalization that I am ok with since they go well together culturally unlike how it is with cultural globalization/cultural imperialism and its ilk

I am fine with the military US globalization of Vietnam and Cambodia during the Vietnam War by imperialist US forces in the 1960s and 1970s

My reason for this is that I feel that California west (i.e Back to the Future series,ET, Cloak & Dagger 1984), Sayreville-Woodbridge 1960s-early 1990s, Diddy Kong Racing Future Funland, Smokey and the Bandit-January 1986 Challenger Launch at Kennedy Space Center, Epcot 1990s-2000s future world and similar areas, Magic Kingdom Tomorrow Land 1990s, 2000s 2010s especially Tomorrow land People Mover, bowling alleys of Woodbridge NJ/Edison NJ in the 1970s/1980s to early 1990s, FBI 1960s US tv show, Knights of Columbus Port Reading 1970s-early 1990s , Dash Galaxy, Star Fox SNES, atmospheres were created in Vietnam and Cambodia when the US troops arrived there in the mid 1960s and those atmospheres were also prevalent in the post WWII US suburbia from where the US troops departed from soon after due to the coverage of the war back then in the US (especially in the LA area, San Fran area, NY-NJ area, Chicago area to an extent, Atlanta area like in Smokey and the Bandit etc) 

So those atmospheres in Vietnam and Cambodia were created and pervelant in Vietnam and Cambodia and within the US with the warmonger American soldiers fighting in Vietnam and Cambodia. 

And thus I am fine with any Americanization that happened in those exact places in Vietnam and Cambodia where those atmospheres were present

My reason is those atmospheres were making the Vietnamese and Cambodians during the US invasion of Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s honorary Americans in my eyes and their areas of their countries twin areas to the US at the time (again due to cool atmospheres being created in the US and Vietnam /Cambodia at the same time in the 1960s/1970s linking Vietnam and Cambodia directly to the US in a way I like)

Ok, maybe my mind has a foggy blind spot for that type of Americanization of Vietnam and Cambodia by imperialist US invaders but keep in mind that was only a small isolated Americanization of said places and looks tame compared to modern day globalization, globalist cultural genocide of Vietnam and Cambodia by the US and its neoliberal multinational corporatacracy , which further makes me fine with it

I think Americans , and Europeans can move to Asia, Africa, South America, Oceania and fit in and become one of the locals in a way that I deem fair and good.  Yet most of the time when that happens and especially with US/Western tourism to said places, it comes off as US/Western supremacist in that US/Westerners move or travel to places in the Global South/Eastern Hemisphere and by their very presence are structured against said cultures creating this P2P hierarchy in those places like when a US celebrity goes to a small town in the US. 

I am glad North Korea banned the net , that India banned Tik Tok , that Cuba only had pre 1959 as virtually the only cars there well into the 21st century, that the USSR banned Western music. Sometimes it takes authoritarian acts like those to prevent cultural genocides and cultural diffusions and thus are vital in such cases to perserve the culture of those countries (which should be done instead of wrongly blocking migrants and refugees from migrating to countries)

Here are some Americana'd Western/US cultural globalized/culturally imperialized and related trash that has invaded countries outside of North America/ outside of places in NW Europe to force those countries in those places to become like the Americanized West and or like the US:

Reality TV

Masked Singer: The only countries it should be in are the countries it was in before it was in the US, US and a few other coutnries. The Masked Singer is Asia cultural imperialism appropriated by the US to further culturally imperialize every country. more on this later

Survivor : Survivor being all over the place global wise is understandable due to being a European show first, and filming seasons all over the globe, but there is local versions in too many countries, only 10 or 15 countries should have their own version of that show.

Big Brother : At least the US type of Big Brother hasn't been in too many other countries, but the show itself is in so many countries it makes me depressed, mad etc. Are so many countries so unoriginal they have to copy shows from the AngloCaucus Sphere like Big Brother and Survivor instead of doing their own types of reality shows or shows that go beyond reality shows? 

Jersey Shore has exported its stupid, racist, trashy, decedent, guido, shitpost , cringe show to other countries to culturally capture them and to force said countries to be even more American than they are now . It's bad enough that Jersey Shore denigrated New Jersey and Italian culture with their show but to have that show spawn spinoffs in other countries is not only shocking, but depressing, evil and proof of America's plot to culturally imperialize, culturally genocide and globalize the world to become a spitting image of America. 

Paramount/MTV are part of this globalist, globalizationist, transnational cultural genocide machine that like other fascist corporations such as McDonalds, Nike, FacebooKKK is trying to Americanize/Americana Westernize the world to be like they want it to be. This is why we need to use extreme protectionism to prevent our corporations like the above ones from operating in more than a handful of countries and to abolish those corporations if they refuse. This also includes pulling these globalist animals out of most countries they are in now. Russia can be a blueprint for this

Here is more for other countries to know what they are getting into by having their own versions of this dumb show  (Btw I am fine with Julissa Bermuzes calling trans people trannies and the Jersey Shore casts ribbing of trans people, seems that is one of the few good things about that show and thus I don't agree with that particular criticism of the show). Julissa is not  a bigot either. I watched her on TV as a music host in the mid 2000s and she was and still is intelligent, energetic, respectful, and more.

Real Housewives (trashy, disgusting, degenerate, bourgeois,materialistic (non marxsim type) show that is a terrible influence on people and to see this trash spread to other countries outside of the US/Canada is so bad it's tragic and a case study in the moral and cultural decay of society and the US neoliberal globalist machine making the world as miserable as the US with such trash)

It is pathetic, heartbreaking and maddening to see these countries outsdie of North America literally copying the US and Americanized Western countries in having their own version of FAKE Real HouseslutsWives . I cannot believe how blatant and greedy Neoliberal, transnational cultural corporatism is that the shows which highlight the rock bottom of American society (reality shows in general but especially Real Housewives filth and the Jersey Shore filth) have been exported to countries that should firmly stand up and reject such trash from appearing on their airwaves.  

America runs the world now. What America is doing as I mentioned in this post, is just what the Proud Boys and Gavin MKKKinnis like and that is saying 'the west is the best'.  Western Chauvinism and American 'Exceptionalism' are fueled by the same xenophobic and supremacist ideology that also fuels the Proud Boys and Gavin McGinnis. Don't believe me , Maxime Bernier rejects migrants moving to Canada who 'reject western values'. How dehumanizing and such dehumanizing nullifies any point he might have had in his viewpoint on migration and diversity. I want a lot more migrants moving to the US from US colonialized countries like those found in Asia, Africa, South America, parts of Europe, Middle East etc because if they want to be culturally raped by the US then they might as well move to the US as opposed to allowing their country to be further raped culturally by them staying in their country acting like American wannabes

Poland in particular and among Central Europe countries is now being invaded again but now by an escalation of US cultural imperialism due to them having their own version of the Jersey Shore and Real Housewives. It is pathetic that Polish culture is being destroyed with such US shows, along with woke politics etc.  This invasion is almost as bad as Nazi Germany-USSR's invasion of Poland in 1939

Polish youth today are like A.Hitler Youth but they worship a different genocidal maniac: a faceless US cultural imperialism, multinational corporatist fascism controlled by transnational globalists who want to destroy Polish culture and its church. Two sides of the same coin

Real Housewives shouldn't have aired anywhere ever. It makes a mockery of marriage and flaunts rich, godless heathen tramps who Californiaze the US and beyond. 

Keep in mind Consumerism falsely makes people think they need stuff they do not need 

game plan here:

future George Soros worldwide pro Science, Anti gun protests


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