Anti tourism

Over 88 percent of Americans and Canadians have never and will never travel to Asia or Oceania ever

Over 73 percent of Americans have never and will never travel to Europe/UK ever

Over 64 percent of Americans have never and will never leave North America ever

Over 15 percent of Americans have never been on a plane and over 40 percent of Americans have either never been on a plane, OR fall into one or more of these categories: 

have never been on a long term flight more than a few hours, while never flying at a medium or high altitude or 

have never been on a full, packed or more than half filled flight ever and thus never been to packed airports ever

When I say tourism below I lump business travel, convention-sports-music travel in with tourism

The only time I support tourism from the US, Canada, rest of the Americas, UK, Europe, Russia, and the rest of the West to Asia , Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania is VIRTUAL tourism where tourists from the US, Canada, rest of the Americas, UK, Europe, Russia, and the rest of the West travel VIRTUALLY to Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania from their homes. So I want virtual tourism to be the only way Western tourists can enter Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania ever again

I am in the process of trying to use bribery, blackmail, online coercion techniques, legal threats, and online spamming and harassment to literally force Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania, every country in Asia and Africa to ban all tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia, from entering Asia, Australia, New Zealand/ rest of Oceania for at least 3 years (but ideally 5 or more years) starting in 2024 or 2025 and lasting into the late 2020s or even early 2030s

I am in the process of trying to use bribery, blackmail  , online coercion techniques, legal threats, and online spamming and digital direct action harassment to literally force every country in North America, South America and Europe (including the UK) to ban all tourists from Australia, New Zealand/ rest of Oceania from entering those places for at least 3 years starting in 2024 or 2025 and lasting to around 2030

I am going to harass, bully (like Meghan McCain would be ok with), intimidate, leak their paid content and blackmail all social media influencers from the US, Canada, South America, UK, Europe and Russia who promote tourism to Asia, Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania to no longer promote tourism to those places even if I have to hack their social media accounts and delete them and ruin their careers thus forcing them to go poor

I also am hiring advertising companies, popular social media influencers and celebrities and PSAs to coerce and brainwash tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia to permanently avoid traveling to Asia ,Africa,  Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania in person forever and to also coerce and brainwash tourists from Australia, New Zealand/ rest of Oceania to avoid traveling to North America, South America ,Europe (except for the UK) forever  #stayaway #stayclosetohome

Starting in early 2024, each day I am going to hack into online vacation databases and each day I will cancel every trip to Asia, Australia, New Zealand/ rest of Oceania and Africa that tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia have booked to those places. 

Once canceled, I won't leave them tripless, I will then proceed to book them these vacation destinations below to travel to instead of them senselessly traveling to Asia , Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania

For American and Canadian tourists, each day after I cancel their trips each day to Asia, Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania or Africa I will rebook them to go one a trip to one of these places below instead each time:

For American tourists from all states in the US: Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California (including Hollywood, Disneyland, Santa Barbara, Malibu, Santa Monica, Big Bear Lake, San Diego, IE,  Hawaii

Alaska, Albuquerque New Mexico, Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, Glacier Lake, Seattle Washington, Three Sisters Oregon, High desert, Catalina Island  ), Northern California (San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Sacramento), Caribbean, Canada, Mexico

For American tourists in Hawaii/Oregon/Washington/Alaska/Arizona only:  Samoa, Bora Bora (for Hawaii tourists/California tourists and Portland Oregon area tourists ONLY), Tahiti (but only 3 day trip or 4 day trip ONLY), Marshall Islands, Russia Far East, Central America, Northern Peru, Ecuador

For American tourists in the Northeast US, Ohio and Eastern Michigan only: Iceland, Greenland, Southwest UK, Ireland (3 or 4 day trip ONLY)

For American tourists in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana only: northern and north central South America, Central America

For American tourists on the East Coast, but mostly American tourists from Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Maine:  Canary Islands, Western Morocco (3 or 4 day trip ONLY, low altitude flights ONLY that are less than half filled)

For American tourists on the East Coast, New Mexico, Eastern Arizona, Texas, Hawaii, Ohio only: Azores

To people from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia reading this post, DO NOT travel to Asia , Australia, New Zealand/ rest of Oceania, Africa for tourism EVER under any circumstance  . You will regret doing so and you will live a much longer, healthier, happier life if you avoid those places for tourism forever than you would if you never traveled to those places ever for tourism .  #stayaway #stayclosetohome

Staring in early 2024, each day I am going to hack into online vacation databases and each day I will cancel every trip to North America, South America, Europe, Russia and the UK that residents from Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania have booked to those places. I won't leave them tripless, I will then proceed to book them these vacation destinations below to travel to instead of them senselessly traveling to North America, South America and Europe: (W.I.P coming soon)

The pandemic proved that people don't need to do tourism to remote places more than a few thousand miles from their homes. With virtual travel and much better, cheaper and more ideal places within a few thousand miles of their homes

Tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia,etc traveling to Asia , Africa, Australia, New Zealand/Oceania for tourism is NON ESSENTIAL, selfish, greedy, chauvinist, white colonialist, imperialist and morally wrong and I will abolish that tourism forever myself 

It is new age imperialism and white colonialism when white/passing/white gazed tourists from the West travel to Asia , Africa Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania as this can be seen when they go to said places and destroy said cultures just by their presence, using historical cultural sites and key places in those countries as backdrops for their stupid, dimwitted selfies for their shitty social media aKKKounts.

These US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia tourists who wrongly travel to Asia, Oceania, Africa are spreading their first world privilege by going to those countries and especially whitening them and further culturally colonizing them, and infecting locals in those countries with consumerist western imperialism when they shouldn't even travel to those countries for tourism ever without exception

US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia tourists who make the mistake of traveling to Asia, Oceania, Africa etc are entitled for going to those places, and through their miserable, braindead appearance in those countries are defacto spreading their Western values onto Asia ,Africa Australia, New Zealand/ rest of Oceania, and thus make the local service industry workers in Asia , Africa and Oceania the local service literally their slaves who they treat like peasants. 

So tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia who make the mistake of traveling to Asia, Oceania, Africa etc are structured against the locals in those countries (even the white ones) the same way that whites are structured against blackness after the blacks' own shoah of Africans turning into blacks via chattel slavery from the 16th century onward by white colonialists. (Afro Pessimism also see here)

The government and tourism industry fascists from Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania , Africa and Asia stupidly beg for tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe and Russia to grace those countries with their high and mighty presence

This is because the government and tourism industry fascists from Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania , Africa and Asia wrongly believe that people from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK/Europe and Russia are better than them and that their countries will become just as fine and dandy (in their deluded minds only) as the US, Canada, Mexico, UK/Europe and Russia if said tourists magically flood their countries with their presence. How fucked up and stupid is such worship of the Global North's West by those countries in the South Hemisphere, Asia and Africa? Talk about having a literal slave mentality 

But that is bad thinking and a victim mentality. The West has caused Asia , Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania to become victims and the East and Global South needs to rebel against the West and overtake them and to push for multipolarity (or unipolarity with Ukraine as the first world leader since Ukraine would be better in said role than the US is now)

Just watch the Amazing Race and see this disgusting phenomenon in action

I have seen enough videos on youtube of western tourists in Asia , Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania since 2016 to know I am correct. 

Western tourists are out of place in Asia , Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania and don't belong there period

Major health studies in the last few years by scientists from the World Health Organization, CDC, Oxford, Stanford have proven that, at least since the 2010s, that tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico UK, Europe, Russia, who travel to Asia, Africa or Oceania for tourism,  die several years earlier than the people from US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia,  who go their entire lives without traveling to Asia, Africa or Oceania ever. 

The 90 percent of Americans who rightfully have never wasted their lives traveling to Asia, Oceania or touristy Africa are happier, healthier, live longer than the 9 percent of Americans who stupidly and senselessly traveled to Asia, Oceania or touristy Africa at any point in their lives

Every time a tourist from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia boards a plane for Asia, Africa or Oceania they are killing our planet little by little and contributing heavily to our climate catastrophe , see here for more. We have to stop all western tourism to Asia , Africa and Oceania to prevent our climate catastrophe from blowing up even more, as western tourism to Asia, Africa and Oceania speeds up climate change and kill our planet via their huge, massive carbon footprint in traveling to unessential far far away places

I am an Anti tourism activist, See herehereherehere and here for more

To tourists in Asia who want to travel to North America and South America. Instead of traveling to North America or South America for tourism, move to North America or South America instead permanently (and I call for the US to make it much easier for migrants to move to the US) or instead of traveling to North America or South America for tourism, travel to North America or South America for humanitarian aide reasons/mission reasons only.  

In most alternate realities there is as little to no Western tourism to Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the rest of Oceania in 2022, 2023 and the rest of the 2020s as there was little to no Western tourism  in our reality to said places in 2020 (and vice versa) . Many Worlds Interpretation is proof i am correct

Every tourist from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe and Russia from our reality who traveled to Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania in 2021 , 2022, 2023 etc and or who will do so in the next 10 years has zillions of clones of themselves in alternate realities who never traveled (and will never travel) to Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania for tourism at any point in the 2020s, 2030s etc

Allowing tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia, to travel to Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, rest of Oceania, will prevent Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, rest of Oceania from fully recovering from the pandemic and cause those countries in said places to continue to reel from the pandemic as many peer reviewed studies have proven. That is why I am going to risk my life to do everything in my power to force Asia, Oceania and Africa to close their borders to all tourists from the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe, Russia for at least 2 or 3 years starting in 2024 or 2025.   

So what do we do with the western pest tourists who invaded Australia, New Zealand, the rest of Oceania and Asia in 2022, 2023? See here for what we do to said trolls to give them payback for traveling to Australia, New Zealand, the rest of Oceania and Asia

At minimum I will force Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand,rest of Oceania, Asia , Canada, US, South America and Africa to permanently ban right wing nutjob Katie Hopkins from entering their countries forever by me using blackmail, bribery, mental coercion, online harassment campaigns , hacking defense secrets and more to do so

Katie Hopkins is a biological terrorist who is an extreme bigot and her going to those countries poses a serious safety and health risk to said countries. 

If I have to go to the UK and physically block her from getting on a plane headed for said countries if that c*nt ever has any trips planned to them  I will do so if she is not banned forever by them going to their countries. I follow Katie Hopkins on all her social media and I know her daily routine, so I can promise ya'll if I find out she has plans to fly from the UK to Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand,rest of Oceania, Asia , Canada, US, South America and Africa, I will go to her home and destroy her passport/visa and physically block her from getting on her plane no matter how much force I must use to stop her

Katie Hopkins and her views and biological terrorism have no place in Asia, Africa, US, Canada, South America, Australia , New Zealand If I find out Katie is in the US I will meet her at whatever US airport she is flying into and I will force her to head right back to the UK ASAP by physically putting her on the next flight back to the UK. I don't want her in Florida , the US or anywhere outside of the UK/Europe. I will get nasty if I must. She is a right wing nutjob ,I am a far leftist, so I should be commended not condemned for my plans with her

At minimum and at the very least I will use harassment, coercion, bribery, blackmail etc to literally force Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, rest of Oceania ,UK, Europe, South America to permanently ban all 4chan users from the US/Canada, Baked Alaska, Kaitlyn Bennett, Lauren Boebert, Tucker Carlson, Mike Cernovich, Ann Coulter, Handsome Truth, Steven Crowder, Voxx Day, Mark Dice, Jimmy Dore, David Duke, Mike Enoch, Nick Fuentes and all of his Groypers who is from the US/Canada  , Marjorie Taylor Greene, Megan Irmowicz, Alex Jones, Jon Minadeo II, Tomi Lahren, Laura Loomer, Michelle Malkin, Gavin McGinnis, Kayleigh McKenany, Jaden McNeil, every member of Patriot Front, Tim Pool, every member of the Proud Boys past present and future,  every member of the redscarepod subreddit who is from the US/Canada, any person in the US who had an addiction to drugs in the spring of 2020/mid 2020/late 2020 due to the pandemic,  Kyle Rittenhouse, Joe Rogan, Lauren Southern, every member of the Wayofthebern subreddit who is from the US/Canada, Milo Y, Payton Gendron, the Parkland murderer , Ian Smith (gym owner Philly area), Letecia Staunch, and similar trash and every person who works for OAN (One America Network even the ones sympathetic to Palestine)   from traveling to South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, rest of Oceania  forever . If said places won't ban the above right wing and terrorist bums from entering their countries forever, I will have no choice but to go to any airport in the US they are flying out of if they are headed to any of those places and physically block them from getting on a plane to Europe, the UK, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia, New Zealand/rest of New Zealand and if that does not work

I will just hack into the economies of all of those countries, drain their economies by stealing their money and forcing said countries to be in a Great Depression for at least a decade or more

The above right wing and terror brain trolls and freaks do not belong in Asia, UK/Europe, Africa, South America, Australia, New Zealand/rest of Oceania, as their presence in said countries would be a major safety risk (level 4) and health danger for the residents of said countries and I won't allow that.  

Those above right wing nuts and trolls and their views and actions have no place in said countries. 

I normally wouldn't want right wingers or trolls banned from any country based on their views but if I can't get all tourism from the US, Canada, Mexico, Russia, UK and Europe banned to Asia, Africa Australia, New Zealand, /rest of Oceania  then I can at least try to ban SOME tourism from the former to the latter, and the easiest group to ban is right wingers and felons.  Don't worry when mainstream US modern Libs/shitlibs/radlibs become literal fascists and nazis (scratch a liberal a nazi bleed), I will then add them to my ban list above to help balance it out politically

Moreover, I am sick and tired of hearing the neoliberal MSM and its mouthpieces complain about right wingers, right wing this, right wing that blah blah, if you are going to wrongly whine about right wingers so much DO something about it, and that includes banning them. 

Also at minimum I am going to force Australia, New Zealand, the rest of Oceania, Asia, Africa, South America to ban all sex tourists and tourists from the porn-bdsm industry from the US, Canada, Central America, UK, Europe and Russia who are traveling to Australia, New Zealand, the rest of Oceania, Asia, Africa, South America for sex tourism or to film a porn/bdsm production from entering Australia, New Zealand, the rest of Oceania, Asia, Africa, South America forever and I will get thousands of Guardian Angels (Curtis Silwa's groups) or hired mercenaries to physically block those type of tourists from getting on planes to go to Australia, New Zealand, the rest of Oceania, Asia, Africa, South America each time they plan to go to said places for sex tourism or to film a BDSM /porn shoot

Sex tourism and people from the US, Canada, rest of the Americas, UK and Europe filming BDSM/porn in Australia, New Zealand, the rest of Oceania, Asia, Africa and South America is a major safety and health threat to said places and will lower the quality of life and immune systems of everyone in those countries if we don't stop it . Moreover such tourism will cause disease, crime, rape etc so we must stop and we we will. I will also get any porn or bdsdm studio from the US, Canada, rest of the Americas, UK and Europe who goes to Australia, New Zealand, the rest of Oceania, Asia, Africa and South America to film porn or bdsm shut down forever and have all of their porn stars, bdsm stars locked down at home under house arrest for 5 years too
For the gipper

I think tourists from the US, Canada and rest of Americas should really consider also ditching Europe and instead travel to other places within North America, Central America and Northern South America instead of Europe.  Tourists from the Americas have destroyed Europe   (see here, here, here ). But forcing them to never travel to Asia or Oceania again is my top priority for now, after that I will work on forcing them not to travel to Europe 

As of now for the next 5 or 10 years I am going to use bribery, blackmail, hacking, harassment and coercion to force every country in Europe and South America to ban all unvaccinated tourists from entering their countries. 

future add email stuff to this gmx


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