Anti social media and news story hysteria work in progress

I am wary and critical of the National Archives

Enough with death worship

I support a nationwide Tiktok ban in the US to put an end to this evil , mindless, social media trash that has destroyed our society since the mid 2000s

I am against the media covering an EXTREMELY overrated, talentless so called 'pop star' (whose entire fanbase consists of girls under 16) relationship with a fuzbal player. For the MSM to cover that story let alone have a frenzy over it is celebrity worship, senseless, exploitation and evil.  The MSM is trying to say by covering said relationship story that the only relatsionhips that matter are celebrity ones. Classist MSM can kiss my ass. I will force the NY Post , Fox News, Daily Caller and other MSM fascists etc to retract all mentions of that relationship from their newspapers and front pages even if I have to go to their offices and force them to do so

The national MSM is wrong for covering kidnapping/missing person/murder of one or two people stories (like Natalee Holloway , Jonbenet Ramsey, Charlotte Sena, Gabby Petito, Gannon Stauch, Grace Millane, Travis Alexander, Lacey Peterson or Caylee Anthony) . Those types of stories shouldn’t be national stories, let alone  international stories. They also don’t deserve to trend on social media

The MSM is wrong for making the deaths of certain celebrities front page news/ or to give such news stories on camera coverage: Matthew Perry, Prince. Celebrities are NOT Gods, their deaths are no better or worse than the deaths of my non celeb family members. To see celebs deaths like above get that much coverage means our society wrongly has celebrities in an upper aristocratic class and non celebrities like my family members as a peasant class. I will abolish all classes soon including those classes

Moreover the MSM is wrong for covering theme park deaths and accidents like to get national news .   Sorry but his death should not be in any place but local news. Not one celebrity should have mentioned his death. This is because it is an insult to the millions of kids his age who died in 2016 who never had one iota of coverage except a small obituary blurb in a podunk newspaper

Those types of stories shouldn’t be on CNN or Fox News or ANY national news stations.  Those type of news stories shouldn’t be in newspapers across the country let alone world. It is missing white person syndrome or white victim syndrome and I am going to cure that syndrome by making sure such stories are IGNORED by the national MSM in the future

It is sick and wrong because the rubbernecking MSM loves to put peoples deaths on tragedy hiearchies, the more tragic the death the more coverage and attention they give to said story. People who don't die in tragedies don't get graced by the CNN, Fox News, Daily Mail, New YorKKK Times, ABC News and other media circus ilk

In my opinion the 'tragedies' I list in this post ironically become more tragic or cemented as tragedies precisely due to all of the MSM and attention they receive which is like pouring a can of gasoline on a burning fire. 

The MSM is wrong for covering stories like the Chile miner rescue story or the Thai rescue story. Cave rescue stories in Chile or Thailand should not be on CNN or Fox News. They should not be in newspapers across the US  (or at worst those types of cave rescue stories shouldn’t have anything more than a trivial mention of them)

The MSM is wrong for covering the 2016 Lockhart hot air balloon crash

The MSM was wrong for covering the Surfside Condo collapse (though I would be ok with a ticker at the bottom of screen and a report on said tragedy in the middle of a newspapers across the US by AP syndicates), the 2023 East Palestine Ohio train derailment (well according to Liberal Democrats that is) etc. Those news stories have no bearing or impact on anyone. Those stories should only have been LOCAL stories or REGIONAL stories at best. People die every day of the week for Christ's sake

Even stories like the Swedish beer truck road rage incident shouldn’t have been covered in the US. There are far worse car incidents each day in the US and they don’t get that coverage. 

There is no reason that millions of Americans should know about those stories or waste one second of their lives thinking about those stories. Americans and internationalists should worry about their own lives instead of meaningless media circuses that have no bearing effect on their lives

When the MSM covers the above types of stories it deludes the seriousness of true big stories

I want to force the US media to stop covering kidnapping/missing person stories . 

I want to force the national US media to stop covering cave rescue types of stories like the Chile miner rescue story Swedish beer truck road rage incident or the Thai rescue story. (or at worst those force them not to cover those types of cave rescue stories more than trivially)

Even some mass shootings and terror attacks, while unlike the stories above should get at least some national coverage for at least a few days (give or take/ymmv), but even those types of stories get covered way too much to the point that it is shoved down our throats, and through that over coverage, traumatizes people (or instills terror in them) and even inspires copy cat killers (knowing that if they do a mass shooting they will be famous and in newspapers and on CNN etc and put fear or terror into people)

It's like news stations and agencies profit over the pain and suffering of other people (like I mentioned above)

People who rubberneck off those stories are also wrong for taking part in their suffering by them further exploiting their pain and suffering 

It’s almost like death worship.

BTW the so called tropical storm in Florida in late September 2023 shouldn't be news outside of the Southeast US and I will censor that news from people outside of North America no matter what. It is none of their business and it is a major non story. Just another weather thing not a fucking news story. Enough is enough dammnit

When the news media and corporations shove terror attacks down our throats (and force those terrorism stories to have a significant impact on society), they are spreading terror, and doing the job of the terrorists for them

24 hours news, their viewers (ie social media), internet etc fan the above pain and further political divide that come out of those tragedies. see CNN effect for more

Network is a great satire of the issues with our media today with its relevant point that it makes about corporate run, sensationalist media and their impact on society which still holds, if not more so.  

Words are like weapons, satellites of news stations etc are like the new artillery. News today like Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and TV political pundits increasingly polarize us with their news judgements (which includes fake news and disinformation) . 

This includes electronic warfare in the same vain. Our media who influences us in politics is owned by large congolomerates who seek to profit over dividing us.   Tomorrow Never Dies makes a good point about this (along with China's wolf warrior diplomacy with Western companies)


This echos my thoughts on social media:

I am against TikTok existing and I support states and countries banning it. I support the bipartisan US proposal to ban TikTok in the US (at minimum it should be banned at colleges and on government computers). I am glad that both sides in the US along with other western countries, universities etc are teaming up to ban this shit site.  Joe Biden should be praised for at least trying to ban Tiktok in the US and for banning Tiktok on government devices. 

First, legal. We’re seeing this right now with the banning conversation. A lot of legal teams with large companies simply won’t allow it due to security risks. So, the conversation will not get started at these organizations.

Second–the timeliness issue. Social media teams are very stretched, and asking them to add yet another social media platform, particularily a time-consuming one such as TikTok, is near impossible. Right now, for most social media teams, this just isn’t realistic. So many would have to come off these teams’ plates for TikTok to become a viable channel.

Tiktok is a trash site with annoying , immature, attention seeking teeny boppers on it .See here for more issues I have with it.  I don't want any mainstream media, politicians, celebrities and corporations/brands/businesses/malls/schools/colleges/churches/sports leagues and teams etc to be on Tiktok.  

It's bad enough the mainstream media, politicians, celebrities, politicians and corporations/brands/businesses/malls/schools/colleges/churches/hospitals/sports leagues and teams etc all got on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, for those entities to also all get onto Tiktok is not only too much but depressing a major gut punch. 

Those entities blindly embrace each new social media platform or political liberal 2.0 trend like mindless zombie social media cultists and that is sickening, disgusting, wrong, evil, hollow and senseless.  They sell out to what join a trash site like Tiktok. Those entities also destroy the uniqueness and nicheness of TikTok by being on the site just like they did with Facebook and Instagram. The dreaded granma/granpa takeover. Soon the kids will move on to the next platform, and TikTok will be homebaked cookies only.

Them being on Tiktok makes me boycott them. 

There is no reason for mainstream media, politicians, celebrities, politicians and corporations/brands/businesses/malls/schools/colleges/churches/hospitals/sports leagues to have so many accounts on every damn major social media site. They are greedy selfish, immature losers who are brainwashed by social media.  

The mainstream media, politicians, celebrities, politicians and corporations/brands/businesses/malls/schools/colleges/churches/hospitals/sports leagues and teams etc s are nothing but greedy corporate consumerists. Tiktok is digital fentanyl.  See here  and here for more. Also see thisthis and see this too for counter

It seems fishy when so many sites like Instagram and tik tok get a huge surge of new users and when in masse mainstream media, politicians, celebrities, politicians and corporations/brands/businesses/malls/schools/colleges/churches/hospitals/sports leagues join those sites. It is a textbook example of hivemind brainwashing. It is sick and disgusting and I am not going to take it anymore.

This is not the argument against tik tok. It's a company that holds access to endless data on a large portions of America. The argument against tik tok is not knowing whether they would hand over this data to the Chinese government/CCP and exactly how harmful it would be if they did especially in a world where ai is likely a

from reddit :"Yes! So glad I never signed up either. tbf Im a bit older than the initial target demographic but still. And agreed, the issue isn’t social media in and of itself, imho. It’s simply a powerful tool. It’s all how the tool is used. That goes right back to the importance of media literacy and critical thinking skills."

Emma Vigeland called Tiktok harmless, even though China blocked Tiktok for its own citizens. She has some brainfreezes of takes lately (including not being left enough on the Ana Kasparian thing for me to seek her full advice on how I move left on transgenderism) and this is another such brainfreeze

Imagine if the US owned Facebook, but banned US citizens from using Facebook, and yet it profited from making China use it while it runs agitprop algorithms, and collects personal information.

Tik tok spies on people and is not to be trusted. See here for more

China itself has banned Tiktok. So what does that say about Tiktok. China banned US social media sites too because they know that the US big tech companies also help the US government spy on citizens 

TikTok just like Google and Facebook is a massive privacy invasion.

Anyone who thinks TikTok is harmless has either never looked at it or is still looking at it. If you want to turn a child's attention span to mush and have them comparing their own attractiveness against the hottest people (great for self esteem that) then give them TikTok.

I think there is a real problem with a certain contingent of the left who wants to downplay the threat of information warfare and the weaponization of social media because they disliked the way establishment figures blamed Hillary's loss on Russian meddling.  So I think that there's a portion of the left who are either downplaying or just outright ignoring information warfare. IDK, maybe it is because they have already been influenced by earlier Russian disinformation.

Idk man. That’s kinda what separates us from China (censorship). Ya know? Like freedom and stuff? I just think that authoritarianism is the answer to the authoritarian state controlling what information its citizens can access is to use your state’s authority to control what information its citizens can access.(since I anti authoritarianism at times is actually authoritarian itself)

It is not unreasonable to care more if an entity entirely outside your control and has interests directly in opposition to your own has access to your information vs. an entity that at some level is subject to some form of democratic or regulatory control, however weak. Both are threats, but one threat is even worse than the other.

Of course, the point is almost academic since Chinese firms and anyone else already have multiple vectors for tracking you including through Google and other social media platforms for a small fee, ostensibly to provide you with more “relevant ads”. TikTok only removes the middleman.

When nearly every country has so many of its mainstream entities like above on every major Social media site it is digital western imperialism. There is no reason that politicians in like Mongolia or Ethiopia or Honduras should be on Tiktok. There is no reason that major brands, and companies like from Samoa, South Africa, Burma should be on Instagram. It is hivemind, cultist , consumerist behavior

I am against mainstream media, politicians, celebrities, politicians and corporations/brands/businesses/malls/schools/colleges/churches/hospitals/sports leagues  having TikTok accounts. It is unprofessional , immature, childish and cultist and beneath them to have accounts on that sick disgusting freak site. It's concerning that they have Facebooks, twitters, instagrams but them having a Tiktok too is beyond too far.

By mainstream media, politicians, celebrities, politicians and corporations/brands/businesses/malls/schools/colleges/churches/hospitals/sports leagues having tiktok accounts means they are breaking  neutrality by having an account on TikTok thus making it seem they endorse Tiktok over its competitors or endorses the existence of such an evil, horrible site such as Tiktok   . 

By having a TikTok account, mainstream media, politicians, celebrities, politicians and corporations/brands/businesses/malls/schools/colleges/churches/hospitals/sports leagues are apart of the brainwashing ,and coercion of Tiktok along with them being apart of the immature, senseless, Liberal 2.0 nonsense that is uploaded to Tiktok and the horrors that Tiktok existing in the first place entails.   Those entities are alienating the majority of their customers that don't have tiktok accounts. 

Those entities are legitamizing that garbage site Tiktok by being on it. They do not need to join every new big social media site. 

I know of a couple of adult YOs that got completely absorbed by TikTok. Like, leave their jobs and "work" on TikTok fame full time. They're now estranged from all their friends and, for all I know, family.

And these numbers ain't precisely going up either.   Tiktok is cringe, and a brain-drain. The Tik tok CEO Shoe on head Xi Choo is lying about the 150 million American users. I doubt there are more than 100 million American tik tok users. Over 80 percent of Americans 27 and older have never used Tiktok ever

Tiktok is one of the worst things ever. Just another trash social media site to consume mindless, cultist zombies all while making these Big Tech oligarch weirdos rich.

LOL. "I promise you we're not spying on you and your entire country even though we found all the exploits in iOS and iPad OS and use them" - Fat and ugly Pooh Bear

When is the social media nightmare going to end. We have to ban Tiktok because enough is enough. We don't need Tiktok, we don't even need social media. Humans functioned for so long without them. Tiktok is a evil cult filled with losers and I want it banned so bad it hurts.

A lot of people suffered a mental health crisis from social media consumption and people should not touch Tiktok with a 10 foot pole now. Social media consumes people. It is better to be more rooted in the physical world now, which can bring people an immense amount more happiness.

I know very few people that talk about the app or care about it in a meaningful way, I cannot imagine people my age lashing out at a ban whatsoever. Adults have more important things going on and there are dozens of alternatives that aren’t owned by a country that views us as it’s mortal enemy and banned our social media without hesitation.

We are drastically overestimating the backlash to this decision to ban them, which is a prudent decision based on the CCPs own statements, countless vague threats and aggressive anti-democracy and U.S. rhetoric

TikTok is trash and is designed to make you retarded.

TikTok is popular because it requires no thought, less effort, and is marketed towards our degenerate tendencies. TikTok is designed to give you constant low-effort dopamine hits to keep you complacent while conditioning you to have the attention span of a goldfish swimming in it’s own excrement. It contributes nothing to society while pilfering your data and sending it to chinese psyop centers so that they can better tailor their messages to keep you a slave to the app.

Get off TikTok.

Because Tiktok is so cringe, I would be pushing it to go after Facebook/Instagram in a similar way

Seeing teens and 20 somethings on Tiktok today doing their senseless soulless videos makes me depressed about the future of this world. It's like they are robots being brainwashed and controlled by corporations to act edgy , stupid and corny, not people with sense or true love in their heart or Individualism. 

If TikTok is not banned in the US, I will hack into the Tiktok accounts of every corporation/company (including Toys r US, NHL, MLB), certain boomer celebs who have NO BUSINESS being on Tiktok (like Sam Neill) ,Conservative pundit along with hacking into the Tiktok accounts of Sharon Lois Bram,and of malls and locations such as Brunswick Square Mall, Jenkinson's Aquarium) and delete those Tiktok accoints because those entities should not have Tiktoks.  Sorry, but when those type of fascist filth invade stuff like Instagram, Tiktok they make those sites lose their uniqueness, coolness and youth edge. 

I echo what Randi Zuckerberg said about social media being bad

I support decentralized internet


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