
 https://linkt3vzbjl.blogspot.com/2022/12/lifestyle-anarchy.htmlanti travel targets della vlogs bella (maldives 2019)

against air jordans

I am trying to force and coerce the governments of every country in Asia and Oceania (via online spamming, blackmail, harassment and bribery) to ban all tourists and business travelers from the US, Canada, Mexico, Central America/Caribbean, South America, United Kingdom, Europe,Russia and South Africa from entering all countries in Asia and Oceania for at least a few years if not forever.

I am trying to force and coerce the governments of Europe, the UK, US, Canada, South America, Central America/Caribbean, Mexico, Russia and South Africa to ban all tourists and business travelers from Oceania and Asia from entering Europe, the UK, US, Canada, South America, Central America/Caribbean, Mexico, Russia and South Africa for at least a few years if not forever.

I will also hack into airline databases and hotel databases each day for a few years or longer and each day I will cancel every vacation (and business trip) that tourists and business travelers from US, Canada, Mexico, Central America/Caribbean, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa have booked for Asia and Oceania . 

Each day I cancel the vacations and business trips to Asia and Oceania from thousands of tourists and business travelers from the US and Canada, I will then book those American and Canadian tourists/business travelers a different vacation/business trip to places like California, Florida, Hawaii, Las Vegas, the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, northern and north central South America, Mexico, Azores, Canary Islands (i.e I will change their vacation/business trip from Asia/Oceania to somewhere in the Americas or Azores/Canary Islands). 

They will be 1000 times happier going to those places than to Asia and Oceania and most mainstream scientists back me up on this

I will also each day book virtual trips to Asia or Oceania for those thousands of American and Canadian tourists and business travelers whom I cancel their vacation/business trip to Asia/Oceania each day of so they can travel virtually to Asia or Oceania from the comfort of their home . 

I will also hack into airline databases and hotel databases each day for a few years or longer and each day I will cancel every vacation (and business trip) that tourists and business travelers from the United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa have booked for Asia and Oceania . 

Each day I cancel the vacations and business trips to Asia and Oceania from thousands of tourists and business travelers from the United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa, 

I will then book those the United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa tourists/business travelers a different vacation/business trip to places like Europe (Med sea, Iceland, UK-Ireland, Spain, Azores, Canary Islands, and at worst to the Caribbean/Northeastern US (i.e I will change their vacation/business trip from Asia/Oceania to somewhere within a few thousand miles of their home). They will be 1000 times happier going to those places than to Asia and Oceania and most mainstream scientists back me up on this

I will also book virtual trips to Asia or Oceania for those thousands of tourists and business travelers from the United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa whom I cancel their vacation/business trip  of so they can travel virtually to Asia or Oceania from the comfort of their home .

Each day I cancel vacations and business trips to the US, Europe, UK, South America, Canada, Central America, Russia that tourists and business travelers from Asia and Oceania . I will then book those tourists from Asia and Oceania a different vacation/business trip to places within a few thousand miles from their homes instead. 

I will also book virtual trips to the US, Europe, UK, South America, Canada, Central America, Russia for those thousands of tourist and business travelers from Oceania and Asia  whom I cancel their vacation/business trip of so they can virtually travel to the US, Europe, UK, South America, Canada, Central America, Russia

I also have started thousands of petitions to get specific westerners banned from traveling to Asia and Oceania forever.  Here is that list:

Tourists and business travelers from the US, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Central America, South America, Russia and South Africa traveling to Asia and Oceania is wrong because they become walking talking western chauvinists and temporary colonialists by going to Asia and Oceania, they ruin the cultures of those places by bringing their cringe western trash values to those places, they cause the locals to become jealous of them, it's basically white supremacy on wheels.  

Tourists and business travelers from the US, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Central America, South America, Russia and South Africa traveling to Asia and Oceania is hierarchical because they are making the locals of those places in Asia and Oceania to be awed by them being from the west and to become their personal lackeys. 

Tourists and business travelers travelling traveling from the US, Canada,  Mexico, Central America/Caribbean, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa to Asia or Oceania is consumerism greedy, selfish and wrong. They are brainwashed by fascist intrusive greedy companies and media to travel to Asia and Oceania which cuts years off their lives because they falsely are mentally raped into doing so by those consumerist peddler companies and media.  

It is a known fact that Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Brits who don't travel to Asia or Oceania for tourism or business trips live longer than ones who do travel to Asia or Oceania for business trips. There are a lot of mainstream scientific studies in recent times which prove this to be true. Taking a vacation or business trip from the US, Canada, rest of the Americas, UK, Europe, Russia or South Africa to Asia or Oceania causes people to die younger and takes years off of peoples' lives

In the vast majority of alternate realities, there is as little international travel from tourists and business travelers traveling from the US,  Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa to Asia and Oceania in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 , 2030s, 2040s , 2050s etc as there was in our reality in April 2020, May 2020, June 2020, July 2020. I am serious. 

In those alternate realities, some of the tourists and business travelers from the US,  Canada stayed home instead of traveling to Asia/Oceania. In those alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from the US, Canada traveled to Florida or California or Hawaii or NYC or Mexico or Central America or the Caribbean or Azores or the Canary Islands or northern/north central South America instead of traveling to Asia or Oceania

In those alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from the UK, Europe and Russia stayed home instead of traveling to Asia/Oceania. In those alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from the UK, Europe and Russia traveled to the Med Sea, Azores, Canary Islands, Iceland, UK-Ireland, Morocco, Egypt, Eastern caribbean, Bermuda instead of traveling to Asia or Oceania

In those alternate realities, the only way that tourists and business travelers traveled from the US, Canada, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa travel to Asia or Oceania in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 , 2030s, 2040s , 2050s was through virtual travel (including the metaverse travel) only.   

In the above alternate realities, there also is as little international travel from tourists and business travelers traveling from Asia and Oceania to the US (except Hawaii), Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 , 2030s, 2040s , 2050s etc as there was in our reality in April 2020, May 2020, June 2020, July 2020. I am serious. 

In the above alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from Asia and Oceania stayed home instead of traveling to the US , Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa. In the above alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from Asia and Oceania traveled to Hawaii instead of traveling to Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, South Africa, the other 49 states in the US.   In the above alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from Asia and Oceania traveled to other places in Asia and Oceania instead of traveling to the US, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, South Africa etc

In those alternate realities, the only way that tourists and business travelers traveled from Asia and Oceania to the US, Canada, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 , 2030s, 2040s , 2050s was through virtual travel (including the metaverse travel) only.   

In our reality, over 86 percent of Americans, Canadians, Brits and Europeans have never traveled to Asia or Oceania past present or future.  Over 73 percent of Americans have never been to Europe ever, Over 64 percent of Americans have never left North America ever.   Over 86 percent of people from Asia and Oceania have never traveled to the Americas

I really want to abolish sex tourism and dating tourism the most. For this, I go further since I (in airports in the US, Canada, Mexico) and people I hire online (in airports in the UK, Europe, Central America, South America, Russia and South Africa) will physically block sex tourists and tourists traveling to other countries for dating from getting on the plane to go from the US, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Central America, South America, Russia and South Africa to Asia or Oceania  to date or to have sex with or to date any person who lives in Asia or Oceania. 

I am going to force every band and musician who lives in the US, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Central America, South America, Russia and South Africa from doing concerts in Asia and Oceania forever. They don't need to have concerts in those places . They should focus instead of having concerts in the US, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Central America, South America (if they are from the US, Mexico, Canada, UK, Europe, Central and South America) and Russia (if they are from Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, India, the UK and Middle East) and South Africa (depends on which acts and where)

I will blackmail, bribe and hound every band and musician from the US, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Central America, South America, Russia and South Africa to never play any concerts in Asia or Oceania ever and I will force every country in Asia and Oceania to ban every band and musician from the US, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Central America, South America, Russia and South Africa from entering their countries (or at least from entering their countries for tourism and concerts)

To a much much lesser extent I am also against tourists and business travelers from the US, Canada, South America, Central America traveling to the UK, Europe, South Africa and Russia and *vice versa (for the same reasons above), but I will proceed with absolute caution , nuance and kid gloves in dealing with that tourism and business travel 

*I am however against tourists and business travelers traveling from not only Oceania and Asia but also from the UK, Europe, South Africa, Russia traveling to Florida or the Midwest US. I will fight against that but legally. Like I am going to bribe social media influencers, and put out PSAs telling people from the UK, Europe, South Africa and Russia not to travel to Florida or the Midwest for tourism or business travel ever #stayawayifthoseareyourreasonsforcominghere

They don't belong here if they are coming here for tourism or business (but I will roll out the welcome wagon for them if they come to Florida for any other reason i.e to move here, to do mission-aid or charity work here etc). They destroy our state

I am trying to use influencers on social media, PSAs, activism etc to end tourism and business travel from the US, Mexico, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Central America, South America, Russia and South Africa to Asia and Oceania forever, and tourism and business travel between the Americas and Europe, UK and Russia forever

Traveling for more than a few thousand miles by air kills the planet and heavily contributes to climate change so we must ban long distance air travel for tourists and business travelers at the very least. Climate change is a threat and air travel is a major contributor to climate change. 

What about tourists and business travelers traveling from Asia traveling to the US, Canada, Mexico, Central America/Caribbean, South America Europe, UK, Russia, and South Africa?  

I am symbolically fine Asian tourists and business travelers traveling from Asia to the US, Canada, Mexico, Central America/Caribbean, South America, UK, Europe, Russia and South Africa since if I speak out against such tourism and business travel I will slandered as a xenophobe (even though I would only oppose such a thing due to consumerism and the illogicalness of long distance tourism and business travel and i still would be ok with tourists and business travelers traveling from Asia to Hawaii and Alaska and possibly San Francisco) . 

But in alternate realities where Asians were white, I would also be against tourists and business travelers from Asia traveling to the US (except Hawaii and Alaska), Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, Russia , the UK, Europe and South Africa

Every tourist and business traveler from the US,Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa who traveled to Asia or Oceania in any of these years/decades: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030s, 2040s , 2050s etc in our reality has zillions of clones of themselves in alternate realities who never traveled to Asia or Oceania at any point in the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s, 2050s etc. 

In those alternate realities, some of the tourists and business travelers from the US,  Canada stayed home instead of traveling to Asia/Oceania. In those alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from the US, Canada traveled to Florida or California or Hawaii or NYC or Mexico or Central America or the Caribbean or Azores or the Canary Islands or northern/north central South America instead of traveling to Asia or Oceania

In those alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from the UK, Europe and Russia stayed home instead of traveling to Asia/Oceania. In those alternate realities some of the tourists and business travelers from the UK, Europe and Russia traveled to the Med Sea, Azores, Canary Islands, Iceland, UK-Ireland, Morocco, Egypt, Eastern caribbean, Bermuda instead of traveling to Asia or Oceania

In those alternate realities, the only way that tourists and business travelers traveled from the US, Canada, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and South Africa travel to Asia or Oceania in  2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 , 2030s, 2040s , 2050s was through virtual travel (including the metaverse travel) only.   

Every tourist and business traveler from Asia and Oceania who traveled to the US, Canada, Caribbean/Central America, Mexico, South America, UK, Europe, Russia or South Africa in any of these years/decades: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 , 2030s, 2040s , 2050s etc in our reality has zillions of clones of themselves in alternate realities who never traveled to the US, Canada, Caribbean/Central America, Mexico, South America, UK, Europe, Russia or South Africa at any point in the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s, 2050s etc

After I die and am in heaven for awhile I will go back in time and retroactively force every tourist and business traveler from the US, Mexico, Caribbean/Central America, South America, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia or South Africa who traveled in Asia or Oceania at any point in the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s, 2050s etc to retroactively never travel to Asia or Oceania at any point in the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s, 2050s etc

After I die and am in heaven for awhile I will go back in time and retroactively force every tourist and business traveler from Asia and Oceania who traveled to the US, Canada, Caribbean/Central America, Mexico, South America, UK, Europe, South Africa or Russia to retroactively never travel to the US, Canada, Caribbean/Central America, Mexico, South America, UK, Europe, South Africa or Russia at any point in the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s, 2050s etc

There is no logical reason for tourists or business travelers from like the US or Canada to travel to Asia or Oceania when they can travel to better places closer to home like Hawaii, the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, northern and central South America, Azores, Canary Islands, California, NYC, Florida, Alaska etc. It is a waste of time, money, energy for them to travel to Asia or Oceania instead of traveling to places like Hawaii, the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, northern and central South America, Azores, Canary Islands, California, NYC, Florida, Alaska . If tourists and business travelers from the US or Canada want to see Asia or Oceania they COULD AND SHOULD only do so via virtual travel (like the metaverse) from the comfort of their home.  They were more than fine to virtually travel in 2020 and 2021 so why should they complain now about it? This way they don't waste their time, energy and health going to some stupid place in person that they don't belong going to (i.e Asia and Oceania). Plus by not traveling in person to Asia or Oceania, they don't take part in killing our planet via long distance air travel

Virtually traveling to Oceania and Asia is better, more fun and healthier than traveling to those places in person and most science studies prove this

In fact it such a senseless foolish thing for tourists and business travelers to travel from the US or Canada to Asia or Oceania they should be locked away in looney bins when they get home for at least a year for traveling so far away for stupid reasons. I am serious

People from the US and Canada who take vacations or business trips to Asia or Oceania are crazy, psycho , consumerism, bourgeois, greedy, monsters and I hate every one of them. I wish them nothing but eternal pain and suffering for eternity.

It is greedy, consumerist, selfish, and evil for tourists and business travelers from the US and Canada to travel to Asia or Oceania. 

There is no logical reason for tourists or business travelers from like the UK , Europe or Russia to travel to Asia or Oceania when they can travel to better places closer to home like Azores, Canary Islands, the UK, Europe (including the med sea), Morocco, Eastern Caribbean/Bermuda, Iceland, Northeastern US etc

It is a waste of time, money, energy for them to travel to Asia or Oceania instead of traveling to places like Azores, Canary Islands, the UK, Europe (including the med sea), Morocco, Eastern Caribbean/Bermuda, Iceland, Northeastern US .  

If tourists and business travelers from the UK, Europe or Russia want to see Asia or Oceania they COULD AND SHOULD only do so via virtual travel (like the metaverse) from the comfort of their home.  This way they don't waste their time, energy and health going to some stupid place in person that they don't belong going to (i.e Asia and Oceania). Plus by not traveling in person to Asia or Oceania, they don't take part in killing our planet via long distance air travel

They were more than fine to virtually travel in 2020 and 2021 so why should they complain now about it?  Virtually traveling to Oceania and Asia is better, more fun and healthier than traveling to those places in person and most science studies prove this

In fact it such a senseless foolish thing for tourists and business travelers to travel from the the UK , Europe or Russia to Asia or Oceania they should be locked away in looney bins when they get home for at least a year for traveling so far away for stupid reasons. I am serious

People from the UK , Europe or Russia who take vacations or business trips to Asia or Oceania are crazy, psycho , consumerism, bourgeois, greedy, monsters and I hate every one of them. I wish them nothing but eternal pain and suffering for eternity.

It is greedy, consumerist, selfish, and evil for tourists and business travelers from the UK , Europe or Russia to travel to Asia or Oceania. 

I am against tourists and business travelers from Oceania traveling to the US, Canada, Mexico, Central America/Caribbean, South America, UK, Europe ,Russia and South Africa. I will find a way to permenantly prevent tourists and business travelers from Oceania from traveling to the US, Canada, Mexico, Central America/Caribbean, South America, UK, Europe ,Russia and South Africa forever.

I do make exceptions for medical tourism which is the only type of tourism I am ok with

I am against sex tourism and I want to get sex tourism banned forever. I am going to literally physically prevent every person in the US, Canada, rest of the Americas, UK, Europe, Russia from traveling to Africa, Asia or Oceania for sex tourism. I will also hire people to also physically block said perverts from traveling to Africa, Asia or Oceania.

I also plan to use aggressive coercion to force Asia , Africa and Oceania to permanently ban sex tourism to their countries forever. I am going to the TSA and Homeland Security offices in person and I will literally force them to ban and prevent any American traveling to Asia, Africa or Oceania for sex tourism. I will also get others in other countries to storm their country's security offices to force them to also ban and prevent perverts in their countries from traveling to Asia, Africa and Oceania for sex tourism

I am going to do everything in my power to prevent perverts from Asia and Oceania from traveling to US, Canada, Mexico, Central America/Caribbean, South America, UK, Europe ,Russia and South Africa for sex tourism even if I have to force the governments of their countries to put them in prison for phony made up charges.  I will hurt any sex tourist from Asia or Oceania I see in the US. I will literally force them to go back home where they belong


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