Fashion09900 (work in progress on the anti nike part)

I use the word sneakers interchangeably with the word trainers and tennis shoes

When I say high tops and mid top sneakers I also include air jordan sneakers in this definition and I do not mean Chuck taylor high tops/mid tops or Converse high tops/mid tops

When I lump in mid top sneakers below with high top sneakers I am referring to the type of mid top sneakers that are high top sneakers esque (like high mid tops or upper mid tops)

I am against people wearing high top sneakers and mid top sneakers (see this link for a small sample size of the types of sneakers I am against people wearing)

I am ok with people wearing converse-chuck taylor high mid top sneakers and wedged heel sneakers since I don't consider those types of sneakers to be real high tops or mid tops). So for example I am fine with people wearing the types of non low top sneakers in this link

Chuck-converse high tops and mid top sneakers are good enough for basketball

There is literally no need for people to wear high top sneakers or mid top sneakers EVER 

Low top sneakers, mid top sneakers ,hiking boots/boots, chuck-converse high tops, wedged heel sneakers (including the types of non low top sneakers in this link) etc should be worn instead of high top sneakers and mid top sneakers if people are so brainwashed , Autistic and consumerist to want to wear high tops and mid tops

Low top sneakers, hiking boots/boots etc should be worn instead of mid top sneakers  

High top sneakers and mid top sneakers are unneeded, ugly and trashy. They destroy peoples feet and mainstream science advises against people wearing them except when playing basketball . People who wear high top sneakers and mid top sneakers are greedy, materialistic, consumerist trolls who have mental disorders where their pea brain minds are addicted to imminent objects 

Unlike high heels, boots and low top sneakers, high top sneakers (at least except the ones above) and mid top sneakers are hyper consumerist junk which makes people lose touch with their feet

I have never worn high top sneakers or mid top sneakers ever and I will never wear high top sneakers or mid top sneakers ever

People like these so called girls in this screenshot are so brainwashed by consumerism that they destroy their feet by wearing high top/mid top sneakers. They look like high top-mid sneaker cultists/nike cultsts. They are victims of consumerist mind slavery and we have to emancipate them. 

Those girls are too beautiful to wear high top sneakers or even mid top sneakers. 

Wearing high top sneakers-mid top sneakers made them look ugly, disgusting and like white trash. I am going to find the addresses of those girls and then I will use peaceful direct action agipop on them to snap them out of their brainwashing and to thus force them ditch their high top sneakers-mid top sneakers and then to ideally only wear low top sneakers and high top converse-chucks as the only type of sneakers they will wear 

Now if they won't agree to that I will use peaceful direct action agipop on them to wear mid top sneakers (low mid top sneakers only), high heeled sneakers, low top sneakers and high top chucks-converse as the only type of sneakers they wear and for them to wear hiking boots/boots for things they would wear high top sneakers for (pushing them toward eventually only making low top sneakers and high top chucks /converse the only types of sneakers they wear etc)

Over 77 percent of Americans and Canadians have rightfully never worn high top sneakers or if they did the only types of high top sneakers they wore were Chuck Taylor-Converse high top sneakers and or high heeled sneakers.  No place on Earth requires people to wear high top sneakers 

I want to get public places (except for basketball courts) to ban people from wearing high top sneakers (except chucks-converse high tops and high heel sneakers). I want to ban people from wearing high top sneakers (except chucks-converse high tops and high heel sneakers) and possibly mid top sneakers with exceptions made for when they play basketball (and even then there would be restrictions)

Women who are not basketball players and who wear high top sneakers (except chucks-converse high tops and high heel sneakers) and mid top sneakers are hypocrites. I see photos of women barefoot at home or at the beach in a bikini or doing a post shower scene nude and barefoot in BDSM or in high heels or wearing flip flops on spring break and for those women to then wear high top sneakers and mid top sneakers after having their feet exposed so much like above is a major gut punch.  

It is like after their feet are exposed like above they then spaz out and have to put on their high tops and mid tops so they feel tough to feel secure since they are too chicken shit to not wear high tops and mid tops.

High top sneakers and mid top sneakers are the only footwear that takes away women's femininity .Even hiking boots and combat boots are more feminine than high tops and mid tops. To women reading this, wearing high top sneakers, mid top sneakers and nike sneakers of all types will not destroy the patriarchy it will only make the patriarchy worse . Destroy the patriarchy like I mention in my blogs and ditch your high tops (except maybe your converse chuck high tops and your high heel sneakers) and your mid tops along with your nikes of all types.

Over 62 percent of Americans and Canadians have rightfully never worn mid top sneakers of if they did the only types of high top sneakers they wore were Chuck Taylor-Converse mid top sneakers

I am against people wearing Nike brand of sneakers, especially for non physical activity and non sports.

Not because of politics or labor practice, strictly because Nike literally brainwashes people to wear their product. It's a fact (they use their logo to do this), because there is no way that so many people can wear Nike brand of sneakers without it being brainwashing.  Nike uses literal forced labor and they use mental bondage to coerce people to wear their sneakers and that is wrong.

I want to abolish Nike brand of sneakers. People should not whore themselves out to a brand (like Nike) in order to have an identity. That is identity disorder and consumerist trash.

Nike is an evil consumerist filthy capitalist greedy monopolistic corporate fascist company that needs to be destroyed

I have never worn Nike sneakers ever and I will never wear Nike sneakers ever, under any circumstances.  There is no place on Earth that requires people to wear Nike sneakers. 

There are enough brand of sneakers to choose from.  People who wear Nike sneakers are cultists. Nike is one of the worst greedy, consumerist companies on Earth

If people wear sneakers, then instead of wearing Nike sneakers, people should instead wear Reebok, Sketchers, Adidas, New Balance, Ascics, Converse-Chuck Taylors, Puma, Fila, Vans and never wear Nikes again. There is literally no need to wear Nike sneakers when people can wear any combo of the above sneakers.  Only brainwashed consumerism , greed and similar bugaboos can explain why so many people wear Nikes . 

So yeah, Nike literally brainwashes millions of people around the world to wear their product.  Nike is an evil corporate monopoly and have culturally invaded and imprerialized other countries (along with other US brands and corporations) and have destroyed cultures via cultural imperialism, taking away the uniqueness of style through said invasion to make people look American in order to civilize them (not my words that is what they racist, xenophobic western corporation monsters do through stuff like Multinational corporate cultural imperialism) and to force conformity. 

The nike logo is like a branded symbol on people showing their slavery to multinational neoliberal corporatism, GLOBALISM and Globalization and it needs to end
There is no reason that people in Eastern Europe, Russia, Oceania (except maybe Australia since Australia is our 51st state) and in Asia (except in company towns near where the Nike sneakers are made and within 50 miles of the shoe company in Japan where Nike got its inspiration from) should wear Nike sneakers . Get their own brands, stop larping off of America you slaves to America
I hate these types of nikkke sneakers a little less than the other types of Nike sneakers but I still hate them beyond comprehension in part because they are Nike sneakers

I feel people should wear these types of sneakers and shoes over other types of sneakers if they refuse to give up wearing mainstream sneakers forever (ideally they would give up wearing sneakers of all types and wear the same types of shoes I have worn since 2013 instead along with the non sneakered shoes in the above link)

People who wear Nike sneakers are sheep and complying with evil like the Germans did in the 1930s.

Wearing any types of sneakers is not a human need and is not essential. Consumerism is wrong, evil and disgusting. Consumerism wrongly makes people think they need stuff they don't need (and in some cases as with fast food actually causes them to get obese, suffer health problems and die younger). I am a die hard Anti Consumerist

People who wear Nike sneakers die years earlier than people who don't wear them

I haven’t worn sneakers (any types of sneakers) in 10 years and I will never wear sneakers again ever and no place on Earth requires people to wear sneakers (places only required shoes to be worn)

The only types of shoes I wear are closed toe sports -hiking sandals with socks (like in this link), keen shoes with socks , clarks unstructured unbend casual oxford shoes, hiking boots, combat boots, cleats, Vans adult Slip-On Hi Terrain MTE-1 (Digital Dance Black/Multi) 3.0 (adult version of that), snow boots, and regular sandals.     My standard of living and quality of life is the same or better than it would have been if I wore sneakers in the past 9 years instead of the above shoes

I only go barefoot while showering and in the pool/ocean. In my home, I split my time wearing socks and wearing shoes


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