Anti theme park activism

  I don't like theme parks and I will never go to one as a tourist ever. I only will work at theme parks and only as a UN volunteer , CDC volunteer or WHO volunteer in order to prevent people from getting injured by poorly built rides or sick from rides since those type of things 

People are brainwashed to go theme parks, just like they are brainwashed to celebrate public holidays, to wear Nike, to have Facebooks (or to use Facebook so much. The way Facebook censors everything and is bias via government interference is proof it is wrong), to have the same types of clothes ,same types of cars etc. 

Ever since I watched Jurassic World in the late 2010s and saw tourists in those lines in the movie waiting for and going on a stupid dinosaur ride (where they looked like the wives in Stepford Wives, only here it was tourists waiting in a line for a ride), I've been generally anti theme park.  

Theme parks are a waste of time, childish and is time that can better spent reading a novel. The only theme parks that are good are health related ones or ones where only a limited amount of people can go to at a time (Disney's Night Kingdom, Discovery Cove). 

Theme parks also are bad because they are built in a way that people invade other peoples’ personal spaces and that is wrong. Theme parks are germ magnets, and people on lines in theme parks suffer breathing problems due to ride lines being so packed.

The vast majority of Americans, Canadians and Europeans who have been to theme parks in person since 2020 and will go to theme parks in person in the future, only go to the types of theme parks in person that they would have been allowed to go to in person in early mid 2020 or mid 2020 during the pandemic if they really pushed hard enough back then despite the lockdowns (since those lockdown rules were never set in stone) or go to theme parks that have capacity limits like Discovery Cove and Night Kingdom

The vast majority of Russians, Middle East residents, Africa residents, South Americans and Asians never go to theme parks ever .At least 30 percent of Americans don’t go to theme parks ever 

In most alternate realities, there are as a little amount of theme parks open in the 2021, 2022, mid 2020s, late 2020s ,2030s, 2040s as there was in our reality in early mid 2020, mid 2020, late 2020 during the pandemic etc.

I want to use digital activism to get all theme parks built before 2024 shut down forever or to permanently restrict attendance to only 20 or 30 percent capacity and or impose permanent self distancing guidelines forever or at worst makes those theme parks be as restricted as Discovery Cove has always been restricted

The pandemic proved that theme parks are not essential and unneeded and that we should permanently prioritize our lives to do important things, including avoiding theme parks forever

I like virtual theme parks and I hope virtual theme parks phase out in person theme parks in the future

Over 50 percent of Americans, 68 percent of Canadians, 78 percent of Europeans, 90 percent of Asia residents , over 90 percent of Australia residents, over 90 percent of Africa residents , over 77 percent of South America residents have never and will never go to a Disney theme park ever. 

I don’t like Disney parks because they are popular (half of Americans have been to a Disney park) 

Like with holidays, Americans and a extreme minority of non Americans are brainwashed to go to Disney parks and that is sickening to me. 

Those people are Disney park cultists. If Disney parks were so important they wouldn’t have been closed or imposed restrictions during the pandemic. The pandemic proved that Disney parks are not essential and unneeded and that we should permanently prioritize our lives to do important things, including avoiding Disney parks forever

In most alternate realities, all Disney parks on Earth permanently closed forever in 2019 

Anyone from Earth would have been allowed to go to any theme park on any exo planet (with intelligent life beings on said exo planet) in other solar systems, galaxies or universes in March 2020, April 2020, May 2020, summer 2020, late 2020, 2021 etc without restrictions assuming they could have invented a teleport machine and then traveled on it from their homes to those exo planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes

This is because all intelligent life beings on exo planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes are fully immune to human viruses. 

The vast majority of people on Earth who go to theme parks, would have went to theme parks on any exo planet (with intelligent life beings on said exo planet) in other solar systems, galaxies or universes in March 2020, April 2020, May 2020, summer 2020, late 2020, 2021 if those people from Earth could have teleported to those exo planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes 

This is because people from Earth wouldn’t care about getting the virus from each other if it occurred on an exo planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe


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