We have a Corporate Fascist , Glob alist Multnational Oligarchy (World Economic Forum) who use soft power and soft manipulation to force people in most countries on Earth to wear the same clothes and accessories (i.e sneakers, nike sneakers, *for more examples ask me offline), to like the same music (like that blonde singer who whines about her ex boyfriends that Kanye West rightfully shaded at the 2010 VMAs, Blink 182, Green Day), to celebrate the same holidays (Xmas, Halloween, Valenswines Day, Mother's Day, etc), to have the same technology, to have social media/to all have Facebooks (see Mark Zuckerberg's intrusive greedy xenophobic attempt to get people in places that don't use Facebook like in Africa, Sri Lanka a Facebook, all so he and his disgusting company Meta can be richer and brainwash more people), to all have Instagrams, to all follow Twitter, to all have Pintrests, to all have Linkedin accounts, Where does this stopped. It is like that 1984 commercial that...